(************************************************************************ * * * Kerberos 5 protocol * * * * Joe-Kai Tsay, Bruno Blanchet, Aaron D. Jaggard, Andre Scedrov * * * * Copyright (C) University of Pennsylvania, ENS, CNRS, * * Rutgers University, 2007-2009 * * * ************************************************************************) (* Copyright University of Pennsylvania, ENS, CNRS, Rutgers University authors of this file: Joe-Kai Tsay, jetsay@math.upenn.edu, Bruno Blanchet, Bruno.Blanchet@ens.fr, Aaron D. Jaggard, adj@dimacs.rutgers.edu, Andre Scedrov, scedrov@math.upenn.edu This file contains a model of the Kerberos 5 protocol, for use with the cryptographic protocol verifier CryptoVerif. It is a companion to the FCC'09 paper "Refining Computationally Sound Mechanized Proofs for Kerberos.", by B. Blanchet, A. D. Jaggard, J. Rao, A. Scedrov, and J.-K. Tsay. This software is governed by the CeCILL license under French law and abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following URL "http://www.cecill.info". As a counterpart to the access to the source code and rights to copy, modify and redistribute granted by the license, users are provided only with a limited warranty and the software's author, the holder of the economic rights, and the successive licensors have only limited liability. In this respect, the user's attention is drawn to the risks associated with loading, using, modifying and/or developing or reproducing the software by the user in light of its specific status of free software, that may mean that it is complicated to manipulate, and that also therefore means that it is reserved for developers and experienced professionals having in-depth computer knowledge. Users are therefore encouraged to load and test the software's suitability as regards their requirements in conditions enabling the security of their systems and/or data to be ensured and, more generally, to use and operate it in the same conditions as regards security. Anything other than deleting this file means that you have knowledge of the CeCILL license and that you accept its terms. *) (* Note: This file requires CryptoVerif version 1.07 or higher. *) (* Public-key Kerberos 5, all three rounds, with PKINIT in public key mode (RFC 4556), consider key usability of SK after client completes session, client and server are restricted not to take outputs by the encryption oracle, authentication will partly fail as expected *) proof { crypto uf_cma(sign) rkCA; crypto uf_cma(sign) rkCs; crypto ind_cca2(penc) rkC; crypto uf_cma(sign) rkKs; crypto keyderivation; simplify; auto; show_game } (* (The secrecy of b1 can then be concluded by seeing that menc occurs only as Z(menc), or in find branches that will never be executed.) (One more simplification is needed after "crypto keyderivation": CryptoVerif is configured to iterate simplification at most twice, three iterations are needed. One could also add: set maxIterSimplif = 3. instead.) *) param N. param N2. param N3. param N4. param N5. param qE. param qD. type nonce [fixed,large]. type client [bounded]. type kas [bounded]. type tgs [bounded]. type server [bounded]. (* types for public-key cryptography *) type pkey [bounded]. type skey [bounded]. type keyseed [large,fixed]. type seed [fixed]. type spkey [bounded]. type sskey [bounded]. type skeyseed [large,fixed]. type sseed [fixed]. type signature [bounded]. type blocksize [fixed]. type blocksizebot [bounded]. type sblocksize [bounded]. (* types for symmetric encryption *) type symkeyseed [fixed]. type key [fixed]. type protkey [fixed]. type usenum [fixed]. type macs [fixed]. type mkeyseed [fixed]. type mkey [fixed]. type symseed [fixed]. type maxmac [bounded]. type maxenc [bounded]. type timest [fixed]. (* message construction functions *) fun concat1(client, pkey, spkey):sblocksize [compos]. fun concat3(protkey, macs):sblocksize [compos]. fun concat7(kas, pkey, spkey):sblocksize [compos]. fun padno(timest,nonce):sblocksize [compos]. fun concat2(kas, pkey, spkey, signature, protkey, macs, signature):blocksize [compos]. fun concat4(key, nonce, timest, tgs):maxenc [compos]. fun concat5(key, timest, client):maxenc [compos]. fun concat8(key, nonce, timest, server):maxenc [compos]. fun pad(client, timest):maxenc [compos]. fun padts(timest):maxenc [compos]. fun concat6(client, pkey, spkey, signature, timest, nonce, signature, client, tgs, nonce):maxmac [compos]. forall y:key, x:timest, z:client, t2:key, y2:nonce, x2:timest, z2:tgs; concat5(y,x,z) <> concat4(t2,y2,x2,z2). forall t:key, y: nonce, x:timest, z:server, t2:key, y2:nonce, x2:timest, z2:tgs; concat8(t,y,x,z) <> concat4(t2,y2,x2,z2). forall z:client, t:timest, t2:key, y2:nonce, x2:timest, z2:tgs; pad(z,t) <> concat4(t2,y2,x2,z2). forall t: timest, t2:key, y2:nonce, x2:timest, z2:tgs; padts(t) <> concat4(t2,y2,x2,z2). forall y:key, x:timest, z:client, t2: key, y2:nonce, x2:timest, z2:server; concat5(y,x,z) <> concat8(t2,y2,x2,z2). forall y:key, x:timest, z:client, t2: timest, z2:client; concat5(y,x,z) <> pad(z2,t2). forall y:key, x:timest, z:client, t2: timest; concat5(y,x,z) <> padts(t2). forall t:key, y:nonce, x:timest, z:server, t2:timest, z2:client; concat8(t,y,x,z) <> pad(z2,t2). forall t:key, y:nonce, x:timest, z:server, t2:timest; concat8(t,y,x,z) <> padts(t2). forall t: timest, z: client, t2: timest; pad(z,t)<> padts(t2). forall k1:protkey, y:macs, z2:client, y2:pkey, x2:spkey; concat3(k1,y) <> concat1(z2,y2,x2). forall k1:protkey, y:macs, z2: nonce, t2:timest; concat3(k1,y) <> padno(t2,z2). forall t:timest, y:nonce, z2:client, y2:pkey, x2:spkey; padno(t,y) <> concat1(z2,y2,x2). forall k1:protkey, y:macs, z2:kas, y2:pkey, x2:spkey; concat3(k1,y) <> concat7(z2,y2,x2). forall t:timest, y:nonce, z2:kas, y2:pkey, x2:spkey; padno(t,y) <> concat7(z2,y2,x2). forall z2:client, y2:pkey, x2:spkey, z:kas, y:pkey, x:spkey; concat1(z2,y2,x2) <> concat7(z,y,x). (* Public-key encryption (IND-CCA2): *) proba Ppenc. proba Ppenccoll. expand IND_CCA2_public_key_enc(keyseed, pkey, skey, blocksize, bitstring, seed, skgen, pkgen, penc, pdec, injbot1, Z, Ppenc, Ppenccoll). (* Signatures (UF-CMA): *) proba Psign. proba Psigncoll. expand UF_CMA_signature(skeyseed, spkey, sskey, sblocksize, signature, sseed, sskgen, spkgen, sign, check, Psign, Psigncoll). (* Shared-key encryption (IND-CPA and INT-CTXT Stream cipher): *) proba Penc. proba Pencctxt. expand IND_CPA_INT_CTXT_sym_enc(symkeyseed, key, maxenc, maxmac, symseed, kgen, enc, dec, injbot2, Z2, Penc, Pencctxt). (* The function Z2 returns for each bitstring, a bitstring of the same length, consisting only of zeroes. *) const Zconcat4:maxenc. const Zconcat5:maxenc. const Zconcat8:maxenc. const Zpad:maxenc. const Zpadts:maxenc. forall m:key, y:nonce, x:timest, z:tgs; Z2(concat4(m,y,x,z)) = Zconcat4. forall y:key, x:timest, z:client; Z2(concat5(y,x,z)) = Zconcat5. forall t:key, y:nonce, x:timest, z:server; Z2(concat8(t, y, x, z)) = Zconcat8. forall z:client, t:timest; Z2(pad(z,t)) = Zpad. forall t: timest; Z2(padts(t)) = Zpadts. (* Collision-resistance for hmac: *) (* HMAC: HMAC(m,k) = H(k xor opad ++ H((k xor ipad) ++ m)) where ++ is concatenation. Consider collision resistance for H: Let k' be a key corresponding to the choice of H (chosen once at the beginning of the protocol and published). We add k' as argument to H, so also to HMAC... HMAC(m,k,k') = H(k xor opad ++ H((k xor ipad) ++ m, k'), k') Collision resistance for H means: H(m1,k') = H(m2,k') <==> m1 = m2 up to negligible probability. Hence HMAC(m1,k,k') = HMAC(m2,k,k') ==> k xor opad ++ H((k xor ipad) ++ m1, k') = k xor opad ++ H((k xor ipad) ++ m2, k') ==> H((k xor ipad) ++ m1, k') = H((k xor ipad) ++ m2, k') ==> (k xor ipad) ++ m1 = (k xor ipad) ++ m2 ==> m1 = m2 (k, ipad, opad have the same, known length, so the concatenation uniquely determines its elements) If needed, we could even have the stronger property: HMAC(m1,k1,k') = HMAC(m2,k2,k') ==> m1 = m2 && k1 = k2 Here, we give the definition of HMAC and assume the collision resistance of the underlying hash function. CryptoVerif proves the collision resistance for HMAC. *) proba Phash. type collisionkey [fixed]. expand CollisionResistant_hash(collisionkey, bitstring, macs, h, Phash). fun mkgen(symkeyseed):key. fun concath1(key,macs):bitstring [compos]. fun concath2(key, maxmac):bitstring [compos]. fun xor(key,key):key. const opad:key. const ipad:key. fun hmac(maxmac, key, collisionkey):macs. forall m:maxmac, k:key, collkey:collisionkey; hmac(m,k,collkey) = h(collkey, concath1(xor(k, opad), h(collkey, concath2(xor(k, ipad), m)))). (* Pseudorandom function (PRF) for key derivation The definition included in the CryptoVerif library uses a key generation function for the PRF. Here, we don't, so we adapt that definition instead of reusing the macro directly *) proba pPRF. fun keyderivation(protkey, usenum):symkeyseed. equiv !N2 new z:protkey; (x:usenum) N -> keyderivation(z,x) <=(N2 * pPRF(time, N))=> !N2 (x:usenum) N -> find u <= N suchthat defined(x[u],s[u]) && x = x[u] then s[u] else new s:symkeyseed; s. (* Key Usage Numbers for key derivation *) const un1: usenum. const un2: usenum. (* Channel declarations *) channel c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11, c12, c13, c14, c15, c16, c17, c18, c19, c20, c21, c22, c23, c24, c25, c26, c27, c28, c29, c30, c31, c32, c33, start, finish, cC, cK. (* Host names for honest hosts *) const C :client. const K :kas. const T :tgs. const S :server. (* Final accept messages *) fun acceptC1(kas, tgs):bitstring. fun acceptC2(tgs, server):bitstring. fun acceptC3(server):bitstring. fun acceptK(client):bitstring. fun acceptT(client, server):bitstring. fun acceptS(client): bitstring. (* Authentication Queries *) event fullKC(client, tgs, nonce, bitstring, maxmac, maxmac). event fullCK(kas, tgs, nonce, bitstring, maxmac, maxmac). event partCT( tgs, maxmac, maxmac). event fullCT(kas, tgs, server, nonce, maxmac, maxmac, maxmac). event partTC(client, maxmac, maxmac). event fullTC(client, server, nonce, maxmac, maxmac, maxmac, maxmac). event partCS(server, tgs, maxmac, maxmac). event fullCS(server, tgs, kas, maxmac, maxmac, maxmac). event partSC(client, maxmac, maxmac). event fullSC(client, maxmac, maxmac, maxmac). query w:bitstring, x:maxmac, y:maxmac, z:maxmac, N:nonce; event inj:fullCK(K,T,N,w,x,y) ==> inj:fullKC(C,T,N,w,z,y). query w: bitstring, x:maxmac, x':maxmac, y:maxmac, y': maxmac, N:nonce; event partTC(C,x,y) ==> partCT(T,x',y) && fullKC(C,T,N,w,x,y'). query z:maxmac, z':maxmac, y:maxmac, x:maxmac, x':maxmac, v:maxmac, N:nonce; event inj:fullCT(K,T,S,N,x,z,y) ==> inj: fullTC(C,S,N,x',z',v,y). query z:maxmac, y:maxmac, x:maxmac, w:maxmac, v:maxmac, v':maxmac, N:nonce ; event partSC(C, z, y) ==> partCS(S, T, x, y) && fullTC(C, S, N, v, v', z, w). query z:maxmac, x:maxmac, y: maxmac, y':maxmac, w:maxmac; event fullCS(S,T,K,z,y,w) ==> fullSC(C,x,y',w). (* Theorem 10, client completes sesssion Secrecy of the coin b1 *) query secret1 b1. let processC = in(c1, (hostK : kas, hostT:tgs)); (* choose TGS hostT and KAS hostK*) new tc'':timest; new n1: nonce; new n2: nonce; new r1: sseed; let sig = sign(padno(tc'',n2), sskC, r1) in out(c2, (C, pkC, spkC, certC, tc'', n2, sig, C, hostT, n1)); in(c3, (m21: bitstring, =C, TGT:maxmac, m24:maxmac)); let injbot1(concat2(hostZ:kas, pkZ:pkey, spkZ:spkey, ms1:signature, k3:protkey, ck1:macs, ms2:signature))=pdec(m21, skC) in (* m21 = {{certK, [k,ck]_skK}}_{pkC} if k3=k and ck1=ck *) if hostZ = hostK then if check(concat7(hostZ, pkZ, spkZ), pkCA, ms1) then (* checking the signature of received cert using the public key of the CA: *) if check(concat3(k3, ck1), spkZ, ms2) then (* checking the signature over k, ck using the public key of hostZ :*) let k1'=kgen(keyderivation(k3, un1)) in let k2'=mkgen(keyderivation(k3, un2)) in let y':maxmac = concat6(C, pkC, spkC, certC, tc'', n2, sig, C, hostT, n1) in if hmac(y', k2', collkey) = ck1 then let injbot2(concat4(AK, =n1, tk, =hostT)) = dec(m24, k1') in (* m24 = {AK, n1, t_K, T}_{k} if k1'=k *) event fullCK(hostZ, hostT, n1, m21, TGT, m24); out(c18, acceptC1(hostZ,hostT)); (! N3 processC2). let processC2 = in(c17, (hosT':tgs, hostS:server)); (* request service ticket for hostS from hostT *) if hosT' = hostT then new n3:nonce; new tc:timest; new r7:symseed; let e5 = enc(pad(C, tc), AK, r7) in event partCT(hostT, TGT, e5); out(c4, (TGT, e5, hostS, n3)); in(c5, (=C, m6:maxmac, m7:maxmac)); let injbot2(concat8(SK, =n3, tt, =hostS))= dec(m7, AK) in event fullCT(hostZ, hostT, hostS, n3, TGT, e5, m7); (* m7 = {SK, n2, t_T, S}_AK if hostS = S and n3 = n2 *) out(c19, acceptC2(hostT, hostS)); (! N4 processC3). let processC3 = in(c20, hostS':server); (* request service from hostS *) if hostS' = hostS then new tc':timest; new r2:symseed; let e12 = enc(pad(C, tc'), SK, r2) in event partCS(hostS, hostT, m7,e12); out(c6, (m6, e12)); in(c9, (m13: maxmac)); find j8<= qE suchthat defined (aT[j8]) && m13=aT[j8] then yield else (* reject outputs from the encryption oracle *) let injbot2(padts(=tc')) = dec(m13, SK) in event fullCS(hostS, hostT, hostZ, m7, e12, m13); out(c10, acceptC3(hostS)); (* OK *) in(c26, ()); if hostS = S && hostT =T && hostZ=K then ( let keyCSK:key = SK ) else ( out(cC, SK)). (* Code for registering the keys *) let processTKEY = in(c21, (Lhost:tgs, Lkey:key)); let Qkey:key = if Lhost = T then Kt else (* The key shared between the KAS K and TGS T is Kt; for other KASs or TGSs, the key is chosen by the adversary *) Lkey. let processSKEY = in(c16,(Mhost:server, Mkey:key) ); let Pkey: key = if Mhost = S then Ks else (* The key between the TGS T and the server S is Ks; for other TGSs or servers, the key is chosen by the adversary *) Mkey. let processCCERT = in(c30, (Chost:client, pkI: pkey, spkI : spkey)); let Ucert:signature = if Chost = C then certC else new q1: sseed; sign(concat1(Chost, pkI, spkI), skCA, q1) in out(c31, Ucert). let processKCERT = in(c32, (Khost:kas, pkJ: pkey, spkJ : spkey)); let Vcert:signature = if Khost = K then certK else new q2: sseed; sign(concat7(Khost, pkJ, spkJ), skCA, q2) in out(c33, Vcert). (* Code for the Kerberos Authentication Server (KAS) K *) let processK = in(c22, (hostY:client, pkY:pkey, spkY:spkey, ms3:signature, tc'':timest, n4:nonce, ms4:signature, hostV:client, hostW:tgs, n5:nonce)); if hostV = hostY then let m3 = (hostY, pkY, spkY, ms3, tc'', n4, ms4, hostY, hostW, n5) in if check(concat1(hostY, pkY, spkY), pkCA, ms3) then if check(padno(tc'', n4), spkY, ms4) then find j1 <= N2 suchthat defined( Lhost[j1],Qkey[j1]) && ( Lhost[j1] = hostW) then new s3:symkeyseed; let AK = kgen(s3) in new kp:protkey; let k1 = kgen(keyderivation(kp, un1)) in (* encryption key*) let k2 = mkgen(keyderivation(kp, un2)) in (* mac key *) new tk:timest; new r4:symseed; let TGT = enc(concat5(AK, tk, hostY), Qkey[j1], r4) in new r5:symseed; let e24 = enc(concat4(AK, n5, tk, hostW), k1, r5) in new r6:sseed; let y:maxmac = concat6(hostY, pkY, spkY, ms3, tc'', n4, ms4, hostY, hostW, n5) in let ck = hmac(y, k2, collkey) in let ms21 = sign(concat3(kp, ck), sskK, r6) in new r7:seed; let e21 = penc(concat2(K, pkK, spkK, certK, kp, ck, ms21), pkY, r7) in let m5 = (e21, hostY, TGT, e24) in event fullKC(hostY, hostW, n5, e21, TGT, e24); out(c23, m5). (* Code for the Ticket Granting Server (TGS) T *) let processT = in(c7, (m8:maxmac, m9:maxmac, hostW:server, n':nonce)); let injbot2(concat5(AK, tk, hostY)) = dec(m8, Kt) in let injbot2(pad(=hostY, ts)) = dec(m9, AK) in event partTC(hostY, m8, m9); (* m8 =TGT ={AK, mAK, C}_Kt and m9 = {C,t}_AK if hostY=C *) find j3 <= N2 suchthat defined( Mhost[j3], Pkey[j3]) && ( Mhost[j3] = hostW) then new rSK:symkeyseed; let SK = kgen(rSK) in new tt:timest; new r10:symseed; let e10 = enc(concat5(SK, tt, hostY), Pkey[j3], r10 ) in new r11:symseed; let e11 = enc(concat8(SK, n', tt, hostW), AK, r11) in event fullTC(hostY, hostW, n', m8, m9, e10, e11); (* e10 = Service Ticket (ST) = {SK, t_T, C}_Ks and e11 = {SK, n2, t_T, S}_AK if hostW = S, n'= n2 and tt=t_T *) out(c8, (hostY, e10, e11, acceptT(hostY,hostW))). (* Code for the server S *) let processS= in(c11, (m14:maxmac, m15:maxmac)); find j9<= qE suchthat defined (aT[j9]) && m15=aT[j9] then yield else let injbot2(concat5(SK, tt, hostC))=dec(m14, Ks) in let injbot2(pad(=hostC, tc'))= dec(m15, SK) in new r16:symseed; let e16 = enc(padts(tc'), SK, r16) in event partSC(hostC, m14, m15); (* m14 = {SK, t_T, C}_Ks, m15 = {C, t}_SK if hostC = C *) event fullSC(hostC, m14, m15, e16); out(c12, (e16, acceptS(hostC))). (* Key Usability : we want to check if the encryption scheme is still CCA2 secure when using the key SK *) (* Implementing a test as a function. Useful to avoid expanding if, which is necessary for this proof. *) fun test(bool, maxenc, maxenc):maxenc. forall x:maxenc,y:maxenc; test(true,x,y) = x. forall x:maxenc,y:maxenc; test(false,x,y) = y. (* Encryption Oracle *) let processOE = in(c27,(m1:maxenc, m2:maxenc)); if Z2(m1) = Z2(m2) then let menc = test(b1,m1,m2) in new r:symseed; let aT:maxmac = enc(menc,k1,r) in out(c22, aT). (* Decryption Oracle *) let processOD = in(c29, a:maxmac); find j5<= qE suchthat defined (aT[j5]) && a=aT[j5] then yield else let m:bitstringbot = dec(a, k1) in out(c24, m). (* Main process, which generates long-term keys and runs the various processes *) process in(start, ()); new collkey:collisionkey; new rkC: keyseed; let pkC = pkgen(rkC) in let skC = skgen(rkC) in new rkCs: skeyseed; let spkC = spkgen(rkCs) in let sskC = sskgen(rkCs) in new rkK: keyseed; let pkK = pkgen(rkK) in let skK = skgen(rkK) in new rkKs: skeyseed; let spkK = spkgen(rkKs) in let sskK = sskgen(rkKs) in new rkCA: skeyseed; let pkCA = spkgen(rkCA) in let skCA = sskgen(rkCA) in new rKt: symkeyseed; let Kt = kgen(rKt) in new rKs: symkeyseed; let Ks = kgen(rKs) in new q1: sseed; new q2: sseed; let certC = sign(concat1(C, pkC, spkC), skCA, q1) in let certK = sign(concat7(K, pkK, spkK), skCA, q2) in (* Note: certK actually only needs to bind K's name to a public key for signing, not for encryption. We just want certK and certC to have the same structure *) out(c25,(pkC, spkC, spkK, pkCA, collkey)); ( ((! N processC) | (! N processK) | (! N processT) | (! N processS) | (! N5 processCCERT)| (! N5 processKCERT)| (! N2 processTKEY) | (! N2 processSKEY)) | ( in(c24, (sag: bool)); new b1:bool; (* let b1 in {0,1} *) find j3 <= N, j4<= N3, j5<=N4 suchthat defined(keyCSK[j5,j4,j3]) then (* pick an exchanged key AK at RANDOM *) let k1 = keyCSK[j5,j4,j3] in out(c27, ()); ( ! qE processOE ) | ( ! qD processOD) ) ) (* EXPECTED RESULT Could not prove one-session secrecy of b1. 55.275s (user 55.183s + system 0.092s), max rss 731024K END *)