require import AllCore List Distr DBool DInterval DList SDist SmtMap. require import CV2EC FinType FSet NominalGroup PROM. import Distr.MRat. import DBool.Biased. import StdOrder.RealOrder. import RField. require import LibExt. theory GDH_RSR. clone import NominalGroup.NominalGroup as N. op elog (x : G) = choiceb (fun a => a \in EU /\ x = exp g a) e. op elogr (y : Z) (b : G) = choiceb (fun x => x \in EU /\ b = exp g (y * x)) e. lemma exprK (x y : Z) : x \in EU => y \in EU => elogr y (exp g (y * x)) = x. proof. move => x_EU y_EU; rewrite /elogr /=. have := choicebP (fun a : Z => a \in EU /\ exp g (y * x) = exp g (y * a)) e _; [by exists x | move => [E1 E2]]. by apply (exp_inj' y) => //; rewrite -E2. qed. (* we only get one cancelation law *) lemma expK (x : Z) : x \in EU => elog (exp g x) = x. proof. move => x_EU; rewrite /elog /=. have [E1 E2] := choicebP (fun a : Z => a \in EU /\ exp g x = exp g a) e _; [by exists x | by apply exp_inj => //; rewrite -E2]. qed. lemma dlist_EU n x xs : xs \in dlist (duniform (elems EU)) n => x \in xs => x \in EU. proof. move => xs_d x_xs; rewrite memE -supp_duniform. move: xs_d; case (0 <= n) => Hn; 2: by rewrite supp_dlist0; smt(). by rewrite supp_dlist // => -[? /allP H]; exact: H. qed. (* The GDH Game for Nominal Groups, with and without the factor for exponentiation *) theory NGDH. module type DDH_Oracle = { proc ddh (w : G option, x : G option, y : G, z : G) : bool }. module DDH_Oracle : DDH_Oracle = { proc ddh (w : G option, x : G option, y : G, z : G) = { var r <- false; if (is_none w /\ is_none x) { r <- z = y; } if (is_none w /\ is_some x) { r <- exists b, b \in EU /\ oget x = exp g b /\ z = exp y b; } if (is_some w /\ is_none x) { r <- exists a, a \in EU /\ oget w = exp g a /\ exp z a = y; } if (is_some w /\ is_some x) { r <- exists a b, a \in EU /\ oget w = exp g a /\ b \in EU /\ oget x = exp g b /\ exp z a = exp y b; } return r; } }. module type Adversary (O : DDH_Oracle) = { proc solve (gx gy : G) : G }. module Game (A:Adversary) = { proc main () : bool = { var x, y, r; x <$ duniform (elems EU); y <$ duniform (elems EU); r <@ A(DDH_Oracle).solve(exp g x, exp g y); return (r = exp g (x * y)); } }. module Game' (A:Adversary) = { proc main () : bool = { var x, y, r; x <$ duniform (elems EU); y <$ duniform (elems EU); r <@ A(DDH_Oracle).solve(g ^ x, g ^ y); return (r = g ^ (x * y)); } }. module B (A : Adversary) (O : DDH_Oracle) = { proc solve (gx gy : G) : G = { var r; r <@ A(O).solve(gx ^ inv f, gy ^ inv f); return (r ^ f); } }. (* If A wins against the "factor game", B(A) wins against the game w/o factors *) lemma unfactor (A <: Adversary) : equiv[Game(A).main ~ Game'(B(A)).main : ={glob A} ==> res{1} => res{2}]. proof. proc; inline *; auto. call (: true) => //; auto. - by sim. - by rewrite /exp => />; smt(mulA mulC powM pow_inv). qed. end NGDH. op na : {int | 0 <= na} as na_ge0. op nb : {int | 0 <= nb} as nb_ge0. op q_oa : {int | 0 <= q_oa} as q_oa_ge0. op q_ob : {int | 0 <= q_ob} as q_ob_ge0. (* 0 or 1? *) op q_ddhm : {int | 0 <= q_ddhm} as q_ddhm_ge0. op q_ddhma : {int | 0 <= q_ddhma} as q_ddhma_ge0. op q_ddhmb : {int | 0 <= q_ddhmb} as q_ddhmb_ge0. op q_ddhgen : {int | 0 <= q_ddhgen} as q_ddhgen_ge0. module type GDH_RSR_Oracles = { proc oA (i : int) : G proc oB (j : int) : G proc oa (j : int) : Z proc ob (j : int) : Z proc ddhm (m : G, i j : int) : bool proc ddhma (m : G, i' i j : int) : bool proc ddhmb (m : G, j' i j : int) : bool proc ddhgen (i i' : int, Y Z : G) : bool }. module type GDH_RSR_Oracles_i = { include GDH_RSR_Oracles proc init () : unit }. module type GDH_RSR_Oracles_i_xy = { include GDH_RSR_Oracles proc init (x y : Z) : unit }. module type Adversary (O : GDH_RSR_Oracles) = { proc guess () : bool }. (* Counting wrapper for GDH_RSR Oracles *) module Count (O : GDH_RSR_Oracles) = { var ca, cb, cddhm, cddhma, cddhmb, cddhgen : int proc init () = { ca <- 0; cb <- 0; cddhm <- 0; cddhma <- 0; cddhmb <- 0; cddhgen <- 0; } proc oa (i : int) = { var r; ca <- ca + 1; r <@ O.oa(i); return r; } proc ob (i : int) = { var r; cb <- cb + 1; r <@ O.ob(i); return r; } proc oA = O.oA proc oB = O.oB proc ddhm (m, i, j) = { var r; cddhm <- cddhm + 1; r <@ O.ddhm(m, i, j); return r; } proc ddhma (m, i', i, j) = { var r; cddhma <- cddhma + 1; r <@ O.ddhma(m, i', i, j); return r; } proc ddhmb (m, j', i, j) = { var r; cddhmb <- cddhmb + 1; r <@ O.ddhmb(m, j', i, j); return r; } proc ddhgen (i, i', Y, Z) = { var r; cddhgen <- cddhgen + 1; r <@ O.ddhgen(i, i', Y, Z); return r; } }. (* The actual GDH_RSR game: initialize oracles and counters and dispatach to adversary *) module Game (O : GDH_RSR_Oracles_i) (A : Adversary) = { module O' = Count(O) proc main () = { var r; O.init(); O'.init(); r <@ A(O').guess(); return r; } }. module Game_xy (O : GDH_RSR_Oracles_i_xy) (A : Adversary) = { module O' = Count(O) proc main (x y : Z) = { var r; O.init(x, y); O'.init(); r <@ A(O').guess(); return r; } }. clone import FullRO as FROZ with type in_t <- int, type out_t <- Z, op dout <- fun _ => dZ, type d_in_t <- unit, type d_out_t <- bool. clone FROZ.MkRO as RAZ. clone FROZ.MkRO as RBZ. module OAZ = RAZ.RO. module OBZ = RBZ.RO. (* Intermediate games: - G sets "bad" where G1 and G2 differ - once "bad" has been set, G no longer logs queries to oa/ob *) module G (OA : FROZ.RO, OB : FROZ.RO) : GDH_RSR_Oracles = { var ca, cb : int list var bad : bool proc init () = { OA.init(); OB.init(); ca <- []; cb <- []; bad <- false; } proc oa (i : int) = { var a; a <- e; if (0 <= i < na) { ca <- i :: ca; a <@ OA.get(i); } return a; } proc ob (j : int) = { var b; b <- e; if (0 <= j < nb) { cb <- j :: cb; b <@ OB.get(j); } return b; } proc oA (i : int) = { var a; a <- e; if (0 <= i < na) a <@ OA.get(i); return exp g a; } proc oB (j : int) = { var b; b <- e; if (0 <= j < nb) b <@ OB.get(j); return exp g b; } proc ddhm (m, i, j) = { var a, b, r, t; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a <@ OA.get(i); b <@ OB.get(j); t <- m = exp g (a * b); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { bad <- bad \/ t; } } return r; } proc ddhma (m, i', i, j) = { var a', a, b, r, t; a' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i' < na /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a' <@ OA.get(i'); a <@ OA.get(i); b <@ OB.get(j); t <- exp m a' = exp g (a * b); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { bad <- bad \/ (! (i = i') /\ t); r <- (i = i') /\ exp m a = exp g (a * b); } } return r; } proc ddhmb (m, j', i, j) = { var b', a, b, r, t; b' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= j' < nb /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { b' <@ OB.get(j'); a <@ OA.get(i); b <@ OB.get(j); t <- exp m b' = exp g (a * b); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { bad <- bad \/ (! (j = j') /\ t); r <- (j = j') /\ exp m b = exp g (a * b); } } return r; } proc elexp (Y : G, i : int) : G = { var a, mi, pi, r; mi <- - (i + 1); pi <- i - 1; a <- e; r <- Y; (* 1 <= i < na + 1 *) if (0 <= pi < na) a <@ OA.get(pi); (* 1 <= - i < nb + 1 *) if (0 <= mi < nb) a <@ OB.get(mi); if (! (i = 0)) r <- exp Y a; return r; } proc ddhgen (i, i', Y, Z) = { var a, a'; a <@ elexp(Z, i ); a' <@ elexp(Y, i'); return (a = a'); } }. (* G' behaves like G, but samples invertible exponents (i.e. from EU *) clone import FullRO as FROEU with type in_t <- int, type out_t <- Z, op dout <- fun _ => duniform (elems EU), type d_in_t <- unit, type d_out_t <- bool. clone FROEU.MkRO as RAEU. clone FROEU.MkRO as RBEU. module OAEU = RAEU.RO. module OBEU = RBEU.RO. module G' = G(OAEU, OBEU). (* Proof outline: 1. |G1 - G2| = |G1b - G2b| <= G[bad] 2. G[bad] <= G'[bad] + "prob. of distinguishing dZ and duniform EU" 3. Define a game Gk that samples ia/ib and k \in [1..q_ddh] and show Stop if oa(i) or ob(j) gets logged where ia[i]/ib[j] is true G'[bad] <= q_ddh / ((1-pa)^q_oa * pa * (1 - pb)^q_ob * pb) Gk[ bad set at k-th call /\ !stop] 4. Define simulation S and an adversary B against the NGDH games Gk[ bad set at k-th call /\ !stop] <= S receives critical ddh call <= B wins NGDH game. *) (* Inner theory, parametric in the probability of inserting the NGDH problem *) abstract theory Inner. op pa, pb : real. axiom pa_bound : 0%r < pa && if (q_oa = 0) && (q_ddhma = 0) then pa <= 1%r else pa < 1%r. axiom pb_bound : 0%r < pb && if (q_ob = 0) && (q_ddhmb = 0) then pb <= 1%r else pb < 1%r. (* the "simulation", called "A" in cryptoprim.pdf : We take gx and gy as parameters and use gx (rather than g) for oA(i) when ia[i] = true. In order for the simulation to remain in sync with the game G' (more precisely the intermediate game Gk' below), we need to align the randomness for a and b by multiplying/dividing by x (resp y) whenever ia[i] (resp ib[j]) is true. *) module S (O : NGDH.DDH_Oracle) = { import var G var ia, ib : bool list var gx, gy : G var m_crit : G var set : bool proc init (gx' : G, gy' : G) = { ca <- []; cb <- []; ia <$ dlist (dbiased pa) na; ib <$ dlist (dbiased pb) nb; gx <- gx'; gy <- gy'; set <- false; OAEU.init(); OBEU.init(); } proc oa (i : int) = { var a; a <- e; if (0 <= i < na) { if (! nth false ia i){ ca <- i :: ca; a <@ OAEU.get(i); } } return a; } proc ob (j : int) = { var b; b <- e; if (0 <= j < nb) { if (! nth false ib j){ cb <- j :: cb; b <@ OBEU.get(j); } } return b; } proc oA (i : int) = { var a, ga; ga <- exp g e; if (0 <= i < na) { a <@ OAEU.get(i); ga <- if nth false ia i then gx ^ a else exp g a; } return ga; } proc oB (j : int) = { var b, gb; gb <- exp g e; if (0 <= j < nb) { b <@ OBEU.get(j); gb <- if nth false ib j then gy ^ b else exp g b; } return gb; } proc ddh = O.ddh proc ddhm (m, i, j) = { var a, b, ga, gb, r, t; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a <@ OAEU.get(i); ga <- if (nth false ia i) then gx ^ a else exp g a; b <@ OBEU.get(j); gb <- if (nth false ib j) then gy ^ b else exp g b; t <@ O.ddh(None, Some ga, gb ^ f, m); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! set) { m_crit <- m ^ (inv a * inv b); set <- true; } } } return r; } proc ddhma (m, i', i, j) = { var a', a, b, ga', ga, gb, r, t; a' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i' < na /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a' <@ OAEU.get(i'); ga' <- if (nth false ia i') then gx ^ a' else exp g a'; a <@ OAEU.get(i); ga <- if (nth false ia i) then gx ^ a else exp g a; b <@ OBEU.get(j); gb <- if (nth false ib j) then gy ^ b else exp g b; t <@ O.ddh(Some ga, Some ga', m, gb ^ f); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! (i = i') /\ ! set) { m_crit <- exp m (a' * inv a * inv b); set <- true; } r <- (i = i') /\ t; } } return r; } proc ddhmb (m, j', i, j) = { var b', a, b, gb', ga, gb, r, t; b' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= j' < nb /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { b' <@ OBEU.get(j'); gb' <- if (nth false ib j') then gy ^ b' else exp g b'; a <@ OAEU.get(i); ga <- if (nth false ia i) then gx ^ a else exp g a; b <@ OBEU.get(j); gb <- if (nth false ib j) then gy ^ b else exp g b; t <@ O.ddh(Some ga, Some gb', m, gb ^ f); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! (j = j') /\ ! set) { m_crit <- exp m (b' * inv a * inv b); set <- true; } r <- (j = j') /\ t; } } return r; } proc pubelem (i : int) : G option = { var a, b, ga, gb, mi, pi, r; mi <- - (i + 1); pi <- i - 1; r <- Some (exp g e); if (i = 0) r <- None; (* 1 <= i < na + 1 *) if (0 <= pi < na) { a <@ OAEU.get(pi); ga <- if (nth false ia pi) then gx ^ a else exp g a; r <- Some ga; } (* 1 <= - i < nb + 1 *) if (0 <= mi < nb) { b <@ OBEU.get(mi); gb <- if (nth false ib mi) then gy ^ b else exp g b; r <- Some gb; } return r; } proc ddhgen (i i', Y, Z) = { var a, a', r; a <@ pubelem(i); a' <@ pubelem(i'); r <@ O.ddh(a, a', Y, Z); return r; } }. module GameS (A : Adversary) (O : NGDH.DDH_Oracle) = { module O' = Count(S(O)) proc main(gx : G, gy : G) = { var r; S(O).init(gx, gy); O'.init(); r <@ A(O').guess(); return r; } }. (* adversary against GDH problem for nominal groups *) module (B (A : Adversary) : NGDH.Adversary) (O : NGDH.DDH_Oracle) = { proc solve(gx gy : G) : G = { GameS(A,O).main(gx, gy); return S.m_crit; } }. op DELTA = (na + nb)%r * sdist dZ (duniform (elems EU)). lemma dEU_ll : is_lossless (duniform (elems EU)). proof. by smt(duniform_ll e_EU). qed. hint exact random : dEU_ll. lemma dG_ll : is_lossless (dmap (duniform (elems EU)) (exp g)). proof. by smt(dEU_ll dmap_ll). qed. section. declare module A <: Adversary {-G, -S, -Count, -OAZ, -OBZ, -OAEU, -OBEU}. declare axiom A_ll : forall (O <: GDH_RSR_Oracles{-A}), islossless O.oA => islossless O.oB => islossless O.oa => islossless O.ob => islossless O.ddhm => islossless O.ddhma => islossless O.ddhmb => islossless O.ddhgen => islossless A(O).guess. declare axiom A_bound : forall (O <: GDH_RSR_Oracles{-Count, -A}), hoare [A(Count(O)).guess : = 0 /\ Count.cb = 0 /\ Count.cddhma = 0 /\ Count.cddhmb = 0 ==> <= q_oa /\ Count.cb <= q_ob /\ Count.cddhma <= q_ddhma /\ Count.cddhmb <= q_ddhmb]. (** Expressing the games G, G' and G'' as distinguishers for statistical distance *) local clone SDist.Dist as D with type a <- Z proof*. local clone D.ROM as D1 with type in_t <- int, op d1 <- dZ, op d2 <- duniform (elems EU), op N <- na proof* by smt(dZ_ll dEU_ll na_ge0). local clone D.ROM as D2 with type in_t <- int, op d1 <- dZ, op d2 <- duniform (elems EU), op N <- nb proof * by smt(dZ_ll dEU_ll nb_ge0). local module DisA (O : FROZ.RO) = { module CG = Count(G(O, OBZ)) proc distinguish () = { OBZ.init(); CG.init(); <- []; G.cb <- []; G.bad <- false; A(CG).guess(); return G.bad; } }. local module DisB (O : FROZ.RO) = { module CG = Count(G(OAEU, O)) proc distinguish () = { OAEU.init(); CG.init(); <- []; G.cb <- []; G.bad <- false; A(CG).guess(); return G.bad; } }. local lemma G_G' &m : `| Pr[Game(G(OAZ, OBZ), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] - Pr[Game(G', A).main() @ &m : G.bad] | <= DELTA. proof. rewrite /DELTA. suff: `| Pr[Game(G(OAZ, OBZ), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] - Pr[Game(G(OAEU, OBZ), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] | <= na%r * sdist dZ (duniform (elems EU)) /\ `| Pr[Game(G(OAEU, OBZ), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] - Pr[Game(G(OAEU, OBEU), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] | <= nb%r * sdist dZ (duniform (elems EU)) by smt(). split. - have -> : Pr[Game(G(OAZ, OBZ), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] = Pr[D1.R1.MainD(DisA, D1.R1.RO).distinguish() @ &m : res]. + byequiv => //; proc; inline *; auto. call (: ={m}(OAZ, D1.R1.RO) /\ ={OBZ.m,, G.cb, G.bad}); 1..8: (by sim); by auto. have -> : Pr[Game(G(OAEU, OBZ), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] = Pr[D1.R1.MainD(DisA, D1.R2.RO).distinguish() @ &m : res]. + byequiv => //; proc; inline *; auto. call (: ={m}(OAEU, D1.R2.RO) /\ ={OBZ.m,, G.cb, G.bad}); 1..8: (by sim); by auto. apply (D1.sdist_ROM DisA _ &m _) => // O; [move => get_ll; islossless | ]. by apply (A_ll (Count(G(O, OBZ)))); islossless. proc; inline *; auto. conseq (:_ ==> D1.Wrap.dom \subset rangeset 0 na) => [_ _ I Isub|]. + apply (StdOrder.IntOrder.ler_trans (card (rangeset 0 na))); [exact subset_leq_fcard | by rewrite card_rangeset /=; smt(na_ge0)]. call (: D1.Wrap.dom \subset rangeset 0 na) => //. + proc; inline *; sp; if; 2: (by auto); wp; call (: true); auto. smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + proc; inline *; sp; if; by auto. + proc; inline *; sp; if; 2: (by auto); wp; call (: true); auto. smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + proc; inline *; sp; if; by auto. + proc; inline *; sp; if; 2: (by auto); wp; rnd; wp. call (: true); auto; smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + proc; inline *; sp; if; 2: (by auto); wp; rnd; wp. call (: true); auto; call (: true); auto. smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + proc; inline *; sp; if; 2: (by auto); wp; rnd; wp. call (: true); auto; smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + proc; inline *; seq 13 : (D1.Wrap.dom \subset rangeset 0 na). * sp; if; 2: by if; auto => /#. seq 3 : (D1.Wrap.dom \subset rangeset 0 na); 2: by sp; if; auto. call (: true); auto; smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). * sp; if; 2: by if; auto => /#. seq 3 : (D1.Wrap.dom \subset rangeset 0 na); 2: by sp; if; auto. call (: true); auto; smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + by inline *; auto; smt(in_fset0). - have -> : Pr[Game(G(OAEU, OBZ), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] = Pr[D2.R1.MainD(DisB, D2.R1.RO).distinguish() @ &m : res]. + byequiv => //; proc; inline *; auto. call (: ={m}(OBZ, D2.R1.RO) /\ ={OAEU.m,, G.cb, G.bad}); 1..8: (by sim); by auto. have -> : Pr[Game(G(OAEU, OBEU), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] = Pr[D2.R1.MainD(DisB, D2.R2.RO).distinguish() @ &m : res]. + byequiv => //; proc; inline *; auto. call (: ={m}(OBEU, D2.R2.RO) /\ ={OAEU.m,, G.cb, G.bad}); 1..8: (by sim); by auto. apply (D2.sdist_ROM DisB _ &m _) => // O; [move => get_ll; islossless | ]. by apply (A_ll (Count(G(OAEU, O)))); islossless. proc; inline*; auto. conseq (:_ ==> D2.Wrap.dom \subset rangeset 0 nb) => [_ _ I Isub|]. + apply (StdOrder.IntOrder.ler_trans (card (rangeset 0 nb))); [exact subset_leq_fcard | by rewrite card_rangeset /=; smt(nb_ge0)]. call (: D2.Wrap.dom \subset rangeset 0 nb) => //. + proc; inline *; sp; if; by auto. + proc; inline *; sp; if; 2: (by auto); wp; call (: true); auto. smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + proc; inline *; sp; if; by auto. + proc; inline *; sp; if; 2: (by auto); wp; call (: true); auto. smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + proc; inline *; sp; if; 2: (by auto); wp. call (: true); auto; smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + proc; inline *; sp; if; 2: (by auto); wp. call (: true); auto; smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + proc; inline *; sp; if; 2: (by auto); wp. call (: true); auto; call (: true); auto. smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + proc; inline *; seq 15 : (D2.Wrap.dom \subset rangeset 0 nb). * seq 12 : (D2.Wrap.dom \subset rangeset 0 nb); sp; if; auto. by call (: true); auto; smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). * seq 7 : (D2.Wrap.dom \subset rangeset 0 nb); sp; if; auto. by call (: true); auto; smt(in_fsetU in_fset1 mem_rangeset). + by inline *; auto; smt(in_fset0). qed. local module Gs (OA : FROEU.RO, OB : FROEU.RO) : GDH_RSR_Oracles = { import var G include var G(OA, OB) [oA, oB, ddhgen] var i_k, j_k, i'_k, j'_k : int var ia, ib : bool list proc init () = { G(OA, OB).init(); i_k <- -1; j_k <- -1; i'_k <- -1; j'_k <- -1; ia <$ dlist (dbiased pa) na; ib <$ dlist (dbiased pb) nb; } proc oa (i : int) = { var a; a <- e; if (0 <= i < na) { if (i <> i_k) { ca <- i :: ca; a <@ OA.get(i); } } return a; } proc ob (j : int) = { var b; b <- e; if (0 <= j < nb) { if (j <> j_k) { cb <- j :: cb; b <@ OB.get(j); } } return b; } proc ddhm (m, i, j) = { var a, b, r, t; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a <@ OA.get(i); b <@ OB.get(j); t <- m = exp g (a * b); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; } } } return r; } proc ddhma (m, i', i, j) = { var a', a, b, r, t; a' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i' < na /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a' <@ OA.get(i'); a <@ OA.get(i); b <@ OB.get(j); t <- exp m a' = exp g (a * b); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! (i = i') /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; i'_k <- i'; } r <- (i = i') /\ t; } } return r; } proc ddhmb (m, j', i, j) = { var b', a, b, r, t; b' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= j' < nb /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { b' <@ OB.get(j'); a <@ OA.get(i); b <@ OB.get(j); t <- exp m b' = exp g (a * b); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! (j = j') /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; j'_k <- j'; } r <- (j = j') /\ t; } } return r; } }. op cs_all_false (bs : bool list) (il : int list) = (forall i, i \in il => ! nth false bs i). op is_ok (bs : bool list) (il : int list) (i : int) (i' : int) = cs_all_false bs il /\ nth false bs i /\ ! nth false bs i'. op nstop (ia ib : bool list) (ca cb : int list) = cs_all_false ia ca /\ cs_all_false ib cb. local lemma guess_bound &m : (1%r - pa) ^ (q_oa + (min 1 q_ddhma)) * pa * (1%r - pb) ^ (q_ob + (min 1 q_ddhmb)) * pb * Pr[Game(G', A).main() @ &m : G.bad] <= Pr[Game(Gs(OAEU, OBEU), A).main() @ &m : G.bad /\ is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k /\ is_ok Gs.ib G.cb Gs.j_k Gs.j'_k]. proof. pose p := Pr[Game(G', A).main() @ &m : G.bad]. byphoare (_ : glob A = (glob A){m} ==> _) => //. proc; inline *; swap [10..11] 7. seq 16 : G.bad p ((1%r - pa) ^ (q_oa + (min 1 q_ddhma)) * pa * (1%r - pb) ^ (q_ob + (min 1 q_ddhmb)) * pb) _ 0%r (size <= q_oa /\ size G.cb <= q_ob /\ (G.bad => 0 <= Gs.i_k < na /\ 0 <= Gs.j_k < nb /\ Gs.i_k <> Gs.i'_k /\ Gs.j_k <> Gs.j'_k) /\ (0 <= Gs.i'_k < na => 0 < q_ddhma) /\ (0 <= Gs.j'_k < nb => 0 < q_ddhmb) /\ ! (Gs.i_k \in /\ ! (Gs.j_k \in G.cb)); 4, 5: by auto; smt(). - conseq (: _ ==> size <= /\ size G.cb <= Count.cb /\ (G.bad => 0 <= Gs.i_k < na /\ 0 <= Gs.j_k < nb /\ Gs.i_k <> Gs.i'_k /\ Gs.j_k <> Gs.j'_k) /\ (0 <= Gs.i'_k < na => 0 < Count.cddhma) /\ (0 <= Gs.j'_k < nb => 0 < Count.cddhmb) /\ ! (Gs.i_k \in /\ ! (Gs.j_k \in G.cb)) (: _ ==> <= q_oa /\ Count.cb <= q_ob /\ Count.cddhma <= q_ddhma /\ Count.cddhmb <= q_ddhmb); [ | smt() | seq 15 : ( = 0 /\ Count.cb = 0 /\ Count.cddhma = 0 /\ Count.cddhmb = 0 /\ Count.cddhm = 0 /\ Count.cddhgen = 0) | ]; auto; 1: by call (A_bound (Gs(OAEU, OBEU))). call (: size <= /\ size G.cb <= Count.cb /\ (G.bad => 0 <= Gs.i_k < na /\ 0 <= Gs.j_k < nb /\ Gs.i_k <> Gs.i'_k /\ Gs.j_k <> Gs.j'_k) /\ (! G.bad => Gs.i'_k = -1 /\ Gs.j'_k = -1) /\ (0 <= Gs.i'_k < na => 0 < Count.cddhma) /\ (0 <= Gs.j'_k < nb => 0 < Count.cddhmb) /\ 0 <= Count.cddhma /\ 0 <= Count.cddhmb /\ ! (Gs.i_k \in /\ ! (Gs.j_k \in G.cb)); 1, 2: (by proc; sp; if; [call (: true) | auto]); 7: by auto. + proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).oa; sp; wp. by if; [if; [call (: true) | ] | ]; auto; smt(). + proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ob; sp; wp. by if; [if; [call (: true) | ] | ]; auto; smt(). + proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhm; sp; wp; if; 2: by auto; smt(). auto; call (: true) => //; call (: true) => //; auto; smt(). + proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhma; sp; wp; if; 2: by auto; smt(). auto; call (: true) => //; call (: true) => //; call (: true) => //. by auto; smt(). + proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhmb; sp; wp; if; 2: by auto; smt(). auto; call (: true) => //; call (: true) => //; call (: true) => //. by auto; smt(). + proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhgen; sp; wp. by call (: true) => //; call (: true). - call (: (glob A) = (glob A){m} /\ OAEU.m = empty /\ OBEU.m = empty /\ = [] /\ G.cb = [] /\ G.bad = false /\ Gs.i_k = -1 /\ Gs.j_k = -1 ==> G.bad); 2: by inline *; auto. bypr=> &m' gA; rewrite /p. byequiv (: ={glob A} /\ OAEU.m{2} = empty /\ OBEU.m{2} = empty /\{2} = [] /\ G.cb{2} = [] /\ G.bad{2} = false /\ Gs.i_k{2} = -1 /\ Gs.j_k{2} = -1 ==> _); [ | smt() | done]. proc *; inline *; wp. call (: G.bad, ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, G.bad} /\ ((0 <= Gs.i_k < na \/ 0 <= Gs.j_k < nb) => G.bad){2}); 2..7, 9, 12: (by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll)). + by exact A_ll. + by proc; inline *; sp; if; [ | if{2} | ]; auto; smt(). + by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; [if | ]; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + by proc; inline *; sp; if; [ | if{2} | ]; auto; smt(). + by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; [if | ]; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + by proc; inline *; sp; if; auto => />; smt(). + by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + proc; inline G(OAEU, OBEU).ddhma Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhma. sp; if; 1, 3: by auto. seq 4 4: (! G.bad{2} /\ ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, G.bad} /\ ((0 <= Gs.i_k < na \/ 0 <= Gs.j_k < nb) => G.bad){2} /\ (0 <= i0 < na /\ 0 <= j0 < nb){2} /\ (i0 = i'0 => t = (exp m0 a = exp g (a * b))){2} /\ ={m0, i'0, i0, j0, a, b, t}); 2: by auto => /#. wp; call (: ={OBEU.m}); 1: by sim. exlim i{1}, i'{1} => i i'; case: (i = i'); 2: by inline*; auto => />. by inline *; auto => /> ; smt(get_set_sameE). + by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + proc; inline G(OAEU, OBEU).ddhmb Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhmb. sp; if; [by auto | swap 2 1 | by auto]. seq 4 4: (! G.bad{2} /\ ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, G.bad} /\ ((0 <= Gs.i_k < na \/ 0 <= Gs.j_k < nb) => G.bad){2} /\ (0 <= i0 < na /\ 0 <= j0 < nb){2} /\ (j0 = j'0 => t = (exp m0 b = exp g (a * b))){2} /\ ={m0, j'0, i0, j0, a, b, t}); 2: by auto => /#. wp; call (: ={OAEU.m}); 1: by sim. exlim j{1}, j'{1} => j j'; case: (j = j'); 2: by inline*; auto => />. by inline *; auto => /> ; smt(get_set_sameE). + by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + proc; inline G(OAEU, OBEU).ddhgen Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhgen; sp; wp. by call (: ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m}); 2: call (: ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m}); 1, 2: by sim. + by move => *; proc; inline *; islossless. + move => *; proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhgen; sp; wp. call (: G.bad); 2: (call (: G.bad)); 3: (by auto); sp; wp; seq 1: G.bad; 5, 10: (by smt()); 4, 8: hoare; by if; inline *; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + by auto; smt(). - move => {p}; pose p := (fun b => b = false). pose IP := fun (cs : int list) (il : bool list) (n : int) => forall (i : int), i \in oflist cs `&` oflist (range 0 n) => p (nth false il i). pose JP := fun (c : int) (il : bool list) (n : int) => forall (j : int), j \in fset1 c `&` oflist (range 0 n) => ! p (nth false il j). have ? := pa_bound; have ? := pb_bound. have ? := na_ge0; have ? := nb_ge0. have ? :=q_oa_ge0; have ? := q_ob_ge0. have ? := q_ddhma_ge0; have ? := q_ddhmb_ge0. seq 1 : (is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k) ((1%r - pa) ^ (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma) * pa) ((1%r - pb) ^ (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb) * pb) _ 0%r (G.bad /\ size G.cb <= q_ob /\ 0 <= Gs.j_k < nb /\ ! (Gs.j_k \in G.cb) /\ Gs.j_k <> Gs.j'_k /\ (0 <= Gs.j'_k < nb => 0 < q_ddhmb)); 1, 4, 5: by auto; smt(). + conseq (: size <= q_oa /\ 0 <= Gs.i_k < na /\ ! (Gs.i_k \in /\ Gs.i_k <> Gs.i'_k /\ (0 <= Gs.i'_k < na => 0 < q_ddhma) ==> _) => //; 1: by smt(). rnd; skip => {&m} &m /> s_ca ik_ge0 ik_ltna ik_nca ii'P i'kP. case: ((0 <= Gs.i'_k < na && ! Gs.i'_k \in{m}) => i'kP'. * rewrite (mu_eq_support _ _ (fun (x : bool list) => IP (Gs.i'_k{m} ::{m}) x na /\ JP Gs.i_k{m} x na)); 1: by move => ia /= /(supp_dlist_size _ _ _ na_ge0) size_ia; smt(fset1I in_filter mem_oflist mem_range nth_default nth_neg). rewrite dlist_set2E //; 1: (by exact: dbiased_ll); 1..3: smt(mem_oflist mem_range in_fsetI in_fset1). rewrite !dbiasedE /p /predC /= fset1I clamp_id 1: /#. rewrite mem_oflist mem_range ik_ge0 ik_ltna /= fcard1 expr1. apply ler_wpmul2r; 1: smt(). apply ler_wiexpn2l; smt(fcard_ge0 fcard_oflist subsetIl subset_leq_fcard). * apply (ler_trans ((1%r - pa) ^ q_oa * pa)); 1: by smt(ler_pmul2r ler_wiexpn2l). rewrite (mu_eq_support _ _ (fun (x : bool list) => IP{m} x na /\ JP Gs.i_k{m} x na)); 1: by move => ia /= /(supp_dlist_size _ _ _ na_ge0) size_ia; smt(fset1I in_filter mem_oflist mem_range nth_default nth_neg). rewrite dlist_set2E //; 1: (by exact: dbiased_ll); 1..3: smt(mem_oflist mem_range in_fsetI in_fset1). rewrite !dbiasedE /p /predC /= fset1I clamp_id 1: /#. rewrite mem_oflist mem_range ik_ge0 ik_ltna /= fcard1 expr1. apply ler_wpmul2r; 1: smt(). apply ler_wiexpn2l; smt(fcard_ge0 fcard_oflist subsetIl subset_leq_fcard). + seq 1 : (is_ok Gs.ib G.cb Gs.j_k Gs.j'_k) ((1%r - pb) ^ (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb) * pb) 1%r _ 0%r (G.bad /\ is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k); 1, 3..5: by auto; smt(). rnd; skip => {&m} &m /> _ s_cb jk_ge0 jk_ltnb jk_ncb jj'P j'kP _ _ _. case: ((0 <= Gs.j'_k < nb && ! Gs.j'_k \in G.cb){m}) => j'kP'. * rewrite (mu_eq_support _ _ (fun (x : bool list) => IP (Gs.j'_k{m} :: G.cb{m}) x nb /\ JP Gs.j_k{m} x nb)); 1: by move => ib /= /(supp_dlist_size _ _ _ nb_ge0) size_ib; smt(fset1I in_filter mem_oflist mem_range nth_default nth_neg). rewrite dlist_set2E //; 1: (by exact: dbiased_ll); 1..3: smt(mem_oflist mem_range in_fsetI in_fset1). rewrite !dbiasedE /p /predC /= fset1I clamp_id 1: /#. rewrite mem_oflist mem_range jk_ge0 jk_ltnb /= fcard1 expr1. apply ler_wpmul2r; 1: smt(). apply ler_wiexpn2l; smt(fcard_ge0 fcard_oflist subsetIl subset_leq_fcard). * apply (ler_trans ((1%r - pb) ^ q_ob * pb)); 1: by rewrite ler_pmul2r 1?ler_wiexpn2l; smt(). rewrite (mu_eq_support _ _ (fun (x : bool list) => IP G.cb{m} x nb /\ JP Gs.j_k{m} x nb)); 1: by move => ib /= /(supp_dlist_size _ _ _ nb_ge0) size_ib; smt(fset1I in_filter mem_oflist mem_range nth_default nth_neg). rewrite dlist_set2E //; 1: (by exact: dbiased_ll); 1..3: smt(mem_oflist mem_range in_fsetI in_fset1). rewrite !dbiasedE /p /predC /= fset1I clamp_id 1: /#. rewrite mem_oflist mem_range jk_ge0 jk_ltnb /= fcard1 expr1. apply ler_wpmul2r; 1: smt(). apply ler_wiexpn2l; smt(fcard_ge0 fcard_oflist subsetIl subset_leq_fcard). qed. local module G'' (OA : FROEU.RO, OB : FROEU.RO) : GDH_RSR_Oracles = { import var G Gs include var Gs(OA, OB) [init, oa, ob, oA, oB] proc ddh (w : G option, x : G option, y : G, z : G) = { var r <- false; if (is_none w /\ is_none x) { r <- z = y; } if (is_none w /\ is_some x) { r <- exists b, b \in EU /\ oget x = exp g b /\ z = exp y b; } if (is_some w /\ is_none x) { r <- exists a, a \in EU /\ oget w = exp g a /\ exp z a = y; } if (is_some w /\ is_some x) { r <- exists a b, a \in EU /\ oget w = exp g a /\ b \in EU /\ oget x = exp g b /\ exp z a = exp y b; } return r; } proc ddhm (m, i, j) = { var a, b, r, t; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a <@ OA.get(i); b <@ OB.get(j); t <@ ddh(None, Some (exp g a), (exp g b) ^ f, m); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; } } } return r; } proc ddhma (m, i', i, j) = { var a', a, b, r, t; a' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i' < na /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a' <@ OA.get(i'); a <@ OA.get(i); b <@ OB.get(j); t <@ ddh(Some (exp g a), Some (exp g a'), m, (exp g b) ^ f); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! (i = i') /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; i'_k <- i'; } r <- (i = i') /\ t; } } return r; } proc ddhmb (m, j', i, j) = { var b', a, b, r, t; b' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= j' < nb /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { b' <@ OB.get(j'); a <@ OA.get(i); b <@ OB.get(j); t <@ ddh(Some (exp g a), Some (exp g b'), m, (exp g b) ^ f); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! (j = j') /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; j'_k <- j'; } r <- (j = j') /\ t; } } return r; } proc pubelem (i : int) : G option = { var mi, pi, p, v; mi <- - (i + 1); pi <- i - 1; p <- Some e; if (i = 0) p <- None; (* 1 <= i < na + 1 *) if (0 <= pi < na) { v <@ OA.get(pi); p <- Some v; } (* 1 <= - i < nb + 1 *) if (0 <= mi < nb) { v <@ OB.get(mi); p <- Some v; } return omap (exp g) p; } proc ddhgen (i i', Y, Z) = { var a, a', r; a <@ pubelem(i); a' <@ pubelem(i'); r <@ ddh(a, a', Y, Z); return r; } }. local equiv Gs_G'' &m : Game(Gs(OAEU, OBEU), A).main ~ Game(G''(OAEU, OBEU), A).main : ={glob A} ==> ={glob A,, G.cb, glob G, glob Gs}. proof. proc *; inline *; wp. call (: ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, glob G, glob Gs} /\ (forall r, r \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall r, r \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2}). - by proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). - by proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). - by proc; inline *; sp; if; [ | if | ]; auto => /> ; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). - by proc; inline *; sp; if; [ | if | ]; auto => /> ; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). - proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhm G''(OAEU, OBEU).ddhm. sp; wp; if; 1, 3: by auto. seq 3 3: (={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, glob G, glob Gs} /\ (forall r, r \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall r, r \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ ={m0, i0, j0, r0, t}); 2: by inline *; auto. seq 2 2: (={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, glob G, glob Gs} /\ (forall r, r \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall r, r \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ ={m0, i0, j0, r0, a, b} /\ a{1} \in EU); 1: by inline *; auto => />; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). by inline *; auto => /> ; smt(expM exp_inj mulA mulC powM pow_inv). - proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhma G''(OAEU, OBEU).ddhma. sp; wp; if; 1, 3: by auto. seq 4 4: (={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, glob G, glob Gs} /\ (forall r, r \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall r, r \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ ={m0, i'0 , i0, j0, r0, t}); 2: by inline *; auto. seq 3 3: (={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, glob G, glob Gs} /\ (forall r, r \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall r, r \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ ={m0, i'0, i0, j0, r0, a', a, b} /\ a'{1} \in EU /\ a{1} \in EU); 1: by inline *; auto => /> ; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). inline *; auto => /> &2 _ _ a'EU aEU. suff: forall a0, exp (exp g b{2} ^ f) a0 = exp g (a0 * b{2}); by smt(expM exp_inj mulA mulC powM pow_inv). - proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhmb G''(OAEU, OBEU).ddhmb. sp; wp; if; 1, 3: by auto. seq 4 4: (={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, glob G, glob Gs} /\ (forall r, r \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall r, r \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ ={m0, j'0 , i0, j0, r0, t}); 2: by inline *; auto. seq 3 3: (={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, glob G, glob Gs} /\ (forall r, r \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall r, r \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ ={m0, j'0, i0, j0, r0, b', a, b} /\ b'{1} \in EU /\ a{1} \in EU); 1: by inline *; auto => /> ; smt(N.dZ_ll get_setE supp_duniform). inline *; auto => /> &2 _ _ b'EU aEU. suff: forall a0, exp (exp g b{2} ^ f) a0 = exp g (a0 * b{2}); by smt(expM exp_inj mulA mulC powM pow_inv). - proc; inline Gs(OAEU, OBEU).ddhgen G''(OAEU, OBEU).ddhgen. seq 7 7 : (={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, glob G, glob Gs, Y0, Z0} /\ (forall r, r \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall r, r \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (is_none a{2} => (a = Z0){1}) /\ (is_some a{2} => exists z, z \in EU /\ oget a{2} = exp g z /\ a{1} = exp Z0{1} z) /\ (is_none a'{2} => (a' = Y0){1}) /\ (is_some a'{2} => exists z, z \in EU /\ oget a'{2} = exp g z /\ a'{1} = exp Y0{1} z)). + seq 6 6 : (={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb, glob G, glob Gs, i'0, Y0, Z0} /\ (forall r, r \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall r, r \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[r]) \in EU){2} /\ (is_none a{2} => (a = Z0){1}) /\ (is_some a{2} => exists z, z \in EU /\ oget a{2} = exp g z /\ a{1} = exp Z0{1} z)). * inline G(OAEU, OBEU).elexp G''(OAEU, OBEU).pubelem. sp 11 9; if{2}; [rcondf{1} 1; 1: (by auto); rcondf{1} 1; 1: (by auto); rcondf{1} 1; 1: (by auto); rcondf{2} 2; 1: (by auto); rcondf{2} 2; auto | ]. rcondt{1} 3; 1: by auto; if; [rcondf 2 | if]; inline *; auto => /#. if; 1: by move => /> /#. - rcondf{1} 2; 1: by auto; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondf{2} 3; 1: by auto; call (: true); auto => /#. by inline *; auto => />; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). - if; 1, 3: by auto; smt(e_EU). by inline *; auto => />; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). * inline G(OAEU, OBEU).elexp G''(OAEU, OBEU).pubelem. sp 6 4; if{2}; [rcondf{1} 1; 1: (by auto); rcondf{1} 1; 1: (by auto); rcondf{1} 1; 1: (by auto); rcondf{2} 2; 1: (by auto); rcondf{2} 2; auto | ]. rcondt{1} 3; 1: by auto; if; [rcondf 2 | if]; inline *; auto => /#. if; 1: by move => /> /#. - rcondf{1} 2; 1: by auto; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondf{2} 3; 1: by auto; call (: true); auto => /#. by inline *; auto => />; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). - if; 1, 3: by auto => />; smt(e_EU). by inline *; auto => />; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). + inline *; auto => /> *. split => *; 1: smt(exp_inj). split => *; 1: smt(exp_inj). split => *; 1: smt(exp_inj). by split => *; smt(exp_inj). - by auto; smt(mem_empty). qed. local module Gx (OA : FROEU.RO, OB : FROEU.RO) : GDH_RSR_Oracles_i_xy = { import var G Gs include var G''(OA, OB) [ob, oB, ddh] var x, y : Z proc init (x' y' : Z) = { Gs(OA, OB).init(); x <- x'; y <- y'; } proc oa (i : int) = { var a; a <- e; if (0 <= i < na) { if (! nth false ia i) { ca <- i :: ca; a <@ OA.get(i); } } return a; } proc oA (i : int) = { var a; a <- if (nth false ia i) then inv x * e else e; if (0 <= i < na) a <@ OA.get(i); return (exp g (if (nth false ia i) then x * a else a)); } proc ddhm (m, i, j) = { var a, b, r, t; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a <@ OA.get(i); a <- if (nth false ia i) then x * a else a; b <@ OB.get(j); t <@ ddh(None, Some (exp g a), (exp g b) ^ f, m); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; } } } return r; } proc ddhma (m, i', i, j) = { var a', a, b, r, t; a' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i' < na /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a' <@ OA.get(i'); a' <- if (nth false ia i') then x * a' else a'; a <@ OA.get(i); a <- if (nth false ia i) then x * a else a; b <@ OB.get(j); t <@ ddh(Some (exp g a), Some (exp g a'), m, (exp g b) ^ f); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! (i = i') /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; i'_k <- i'; } r <- (i = i') /\ t; } } return r; } proc ddhmb (m, j', i, j) = { var b', a, b, r, t; b' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= j' < nb /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { b' <@ OB.get(j'); a <@ OA.get(i); a <- if (nth false ia i) then x * a else a; b <@ OB.get(j); t <@ ddh(Some (exp g a), Some (exp g b'), m, (exp g b) ^ f); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! (j = j') /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; j'_k <- j'; } r <- (j = j') /\ t; } } return r; } proc pubelem (i : int) : G option = { var a, b, mi, pi, r; mi <- - (i + 1); pi <- i - 1; r <- Some (exp g e); if (i = 0) r <- None; (* 1 <= i < na + 1 *) if (0 <= pi < na) { a <@ OA.get(pi); a <- if (nth false ia pi) then x * a else a; r <- Some (exp g a); } (* 1 <= - i < nb + 1 *) if (0 <= mi < nb) { b <@ OB.get(mi); r <- Some (exp g b); } return r; } proc ddhgen (i i', Y, Z) = { var a, a', r; a <@ pubelem(i); a' <@ pubelem(i'); r <@ ddh(a, a', Y, Z); return r; } }. local module GameGxy (G : GDH_RSR_Oracles_i_xy) (A : Adversary) = { module O' = Count(G) proc main (x y : Z) = { var r; G.init(x, y); O'.init(); r <@ A(O').guess(); return r; } }. op map_in_EU (m : (int, Z) fmap) = (forall i, i \in m => oget (m.[i]) \in EU). op fdomE (m1 m2 : (int, Z) fmap) = fdom m1 = fdom m2. op mapP (m1 m2 : (int, Z) fmap) (bs : bool list) (h : bool list -> int -> Z -> Z) = (forall i, i \in m1 => let a = oget m1.[i] in m2.[i] = Some(h bs i a)). op bad bs cs b i = ! cs_all_false bs cs \/ b /\ ! nth false bs i. op badP b i n = (b <=> 0 <= i < n). local lemma Gs_Gx &m x y : x \in EU => y \in EU => Pr[Game (Gs(OAEU, OBEU), A).main( ) @ &m : G.bad /\ is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k /\ is_ok Gs.ib G.cb Gs.j_k Gs.j'_k] <= Pr[GameGxy(Gx(OAEU, OBEU), A).main(x, y) @ &m : G.bad /\ is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k /\ is_ok Gs.ib G.cb Gs.j_k Gs.j'_k]. proof. move => x_EU y_EU. byequiv => //; proc; inline*; symmetry. pose F1 z := exp g z. pose F2 z := exp g (x * z). have [f f' /> can_f can_f' fP fP' f_EU g_EU]:= have_permutation F1 F2 (mem EU) _ _ _. - smt(exp_inj). - smt(expM exp_inj'). - move => z; rewrite -!fimageE. smt(img_exp). pose h bs i b := if nth false bs i then f' b else b. pose h' bs i b := if nth false bs i then f b else b. have h_EU : forall bs i z, z \in EU => h bs i z \in EU by smt(). (* RAEU.RO.get preserves the invariant. This is used several times *) have R : forall i, equiv[RAEU.RO.get ~ RAEU.RO.get : ={arg, Gs.ia} /\ arg{1} = i /\ fdomE RAEU.RO.m{1} RAEU.RO.m{2} /\ map_in_EU OAEU.m{1} /\ mapP OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} Gs.ia{2} h ==> fdomE RAEU.RO.m{1} RAEU.RO.m{2} /\ map_in_EU OAEU.m{1} /\ mapP OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} Gs.ia{2} h /\ res{2} = h Gs.ia{1} i res{1} /\ res{1} \in EU /\ res{2} \in EU]. - move => i; rewrite /fdomE /map_in_EU /mapP; proc. inline*. sp. seq 1 1 : (#pre /\ r{2} = h Gs.ia{1} i r{1} /\ r{1} \in EU /\ r{2} \in EU). + rnd (h Gs.ia{1} i) (h' Gs.ia{1} i); auto => /> &1 &2 *. smt(supp_duniform duniform1E_uniq uniq_elems). if; 1: (by auto => />; smt(fdomP)); last first. - by auto => /> &1 &2 2? H *; rewrite H //=; split; smt(). auto => /> &1 &2 *; rewrite !get_set_sameE !fdom_set /=. by do ! split; smt(mem_set get_setE get_set_sameE). (* main up-to-bad argument *) pose I b i m1 m2 m3 bs := badP b i na /\ fdomE m1 m2 /\ map_in_EU m1 /\ map_in_EU m3 /\ mapP m1 m2 bs h. call (: bad Gs.ia G.bad Gs.i_k, ={glob G, glob Gs, RBEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.i_k{2} OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} OBEU.m{1} Gs.ia{2}). - exact A_ll. (* oA *) - proc. conseq />. sp. if; last first; 2: by auto. + conseq />; auto => /> *; smt(exp_inv pow_inv mulA mulC). exlim i{1} => i. call (R i); auto => /> &1 &2 11? H *. case (nth false Gs.ia{2} i) => [ai|]; 2: smt(). rewrite /h ifT //. apply fP. smt(). - move=>*; islossless. - move=>*. proc. conseq />. islossless. (* oB *) - proc. sp; if; auto. by inline *; auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). - move=>*; islossless. - move => *. proc. conseq />. islossless. (* oa *) - proc. inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).oa Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).oa. sp. if; 1,3: by auto => /> /#. if{2}. + if{1}. * wp. exlim i0{1} => i. call (R i); auto => /> &1 &2 11? H *. smt(). * sp 1 1. conseq (: _ ==> true); 1: smt(). by islossless. + if{1}. conseq (: _ ==> true); 1: smt(). by islossless. by auto => />. - move=>*; islossless. - move=>*. proc. inline Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).oa. conseq />. inline*. sp. do ! (if; last by auto => />). auto => />; smt(duniform_ll). (* ob *) - proc; inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ob Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ob; sp; if; auto. by if; auto; inline *; auto => />; smt(get_setE mem_set supp_duniform). - move=>*; islossless. - move => *. proc. conseq />. islossless. (* ddhm *) - proc. inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhm Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhm. sp 1 1. conseq (: ! (bad Gs.ia G.bad Gs.i_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, RBEU.RO.m, m, i, j} /\ (Gx.x = x){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.i_k{2} OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} OBEU.m{1} Gs.ia{2} ==> _); 1: by smt(). sp; if; 1,3: by auto => /> /#. seq 4 3 : (! (bad Gs.ia G.bad Gs.i_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, RBEU.RO.m, m, i, j} /\ (Gx.x = x){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.i_k{2} OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} OBEU.m{1} Gs.ia{2} /\ ={i0, j0, r0, t} /\ (0 <= i0 < na){2}); 2: by auto => />. seq 3 2 : (! (bad Gs.ia G.bad Gs.i_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, RBEU.RO.m, m, i, j} /\ (Gx.x = x){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.i_k{2} OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} OBEU.m{1} Gs.ia{2} /\ ={i0, j0, r0, m0, b} /\ (0 <= i0 < na){2} /\ exp g a{1} = exp g a{2} /\ a{2} \in EU); last first. + inline *; auto => /> &1 &2 *. by rewrite eqboolP iffE; split; smt(expM mulA mulC pow_inv). call (: ={RBEU.RO.m} /\ map_in_EU OBEU.m{1}); 1: by auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). wp; exlim i0{1} => i; call (R i); auto => />. by move => &1 &2 *; rewrite /h /#. - move=>*; islossless. - move =>*; proc. inline Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhm. inline*. sp. do ! (if; last by auto => />). auto => />; smt(duniform_ll). (* ddhma *) - proc. inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhma Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhma. sp; if; 1, 3: by auto. seq 6 4 : (! (bad Gs.ia G.bad Gs.i_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, RBEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.i_k{2} OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} OBEU.m{1} Gs.ia{2} /\ ={i0, j0, i'0, r0, t} /\ (0 <= i0 < na){2}); 2: by auto => />. seq 5 3 : (! (bad Gs.ia G.bad Gs.i_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, RBEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.i_k{2} OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} OBEU.m{1} Gs.ia{2} /\ ={i0, j0, i'0, m0, r0, b} /\ exp g a{1} = exp g a{2} /\ exp g a'{1} = exp g a'{2} /\ (0 <= i0 < na){2} /\ a{2} \in EU /\ a'{2} \in EU); last first. + inline *; auto => /> &1 &2 *. rewrite eqboolP iffE; split. * move => [a'' a'''] [aP [aE [a'P [a'E aa'E]]]]. have ->> : a'' = a{2} by smt(exp_inj). have ->> : a''' = a'{2} by smt(exp_inj). by smt(expM mulA mulC pow_inv). * move => aa'E; exists a{2} a'{2} => />. by smt(expM mulA mulC pow_inv). call (: ={RBEU.RO.m} /\ map_in_EU OBEU.m{1}); 1: by auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). wp; exlim i0{1} => i; call (R i); auto => />; 1: by smt(). by wp; exlim i'0{1} => i'; call (R i'); auto => /> /#. - move=>*; islossless. - move =>*; proc. inline Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhma. inline*. sp. do ! (if; last by auto => />). auto => />; smt(duniform_ll). (* ddhmb *) - proc. inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhmb Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhmb. sp; if; 1, 3: by auto. seq 5 4 : (! (bad Gs.ia G.bad Gs.i_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, RBEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.i_k{2} OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} OBEU.m{1} Gs.ia{2} /\ ={i0, j0, j'0, r0, t} /\ (0 <= i0 < na){2}); 2: by auto => />. seq 4 3 : (! (bad Gs.ia G.bad Gs.i_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, RBEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.i_k{2} OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} OBEU.m{1} Gs.ia{2} /\ ={i0, j0, j'0, m0, r0, b, b'} /\ (0 <= i0 < na){2} /\ exp g a{1} = exp g a{2} /\ a{2} \in EU /\ b'{2} \in EU). + call (: ={RBEU.RO.m} /\ map_in_EU OBEU.m{1}); 1: by auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). wp; exlim i0{1} => i; call (R i); auto => />; 1: by smt(). by inline *; auto => />; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). + inline *; auto => /> &1 &2 *. rewrite eqboolP iffE; split. * move => [a' b''] [aP [aE [b'P [b'E ab'E]]]]. have ->> : a' = a{2} by smt(exp_inj). have ->> : b'' = b'{2} by smt(exp_inj). by smt(expM mulA mulC pow_inv). * move => ab'E; exists a{2} b'{2} => />. by smt(expM mulA mulC pow_inv). - move=>*; islossless. - move =>*; proc. inline Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhmb. inline*. sp. do ! (if; last by auto => />). auto => />; smt(duniform_ll). (* ddhgen *) - proc. inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhgen Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhgen. inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).pubelem G(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).elexp. seq 21 25 : (! (bad Gs.ia G.bad Gs.i_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, RBEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.i_k{2} OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} OBEU.m{1} Gs.ia{2} /\ ={i0, i'0, Y0, Z0} /\ ((exists a'' , a{1} = Some (exp g a'') /\ a'' \in EU /\ a{2} = exp Z0{2} a'' ) \/ (a{1} = None /\ a{2} = Z0{2})) /\ ((exists a''', a'{1} = Some (exp g a''') /\ a''' \in EU /\ a'{2} = exp Y0{2} a''') \/ (a'{1} = None /\ a'{2} = Y0{2}))); last first. + inline *; auto => /> &1 &2 *; split => [/#|*]; split => *. * split => [/#|*]; split => [/#|*]. have: a{2} = Z0{2} by smt(). by move => ->; smt(exp_inj). * split => *; 2: by split => [*|/#]; smt(exp_inj). split => [/#|]. have: a'{2} = Y0{2} by smt(). by move => ->; smt(exp_inj). seq 13 15 : (! (bad Gs.ia G.bad Gs.i_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, RBEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.i_k{2} OAEU.m{1} OAEU.m{2} OBEU.m{1} Gs.ia{2} /\ ={i0, i'0, Y0, Z0} /\ ((exists a'', a{1} = Some (exp g a'') /\ a'' \in EU /\ a{2} = exp Z0{2} a'') \/ (a{1} = None /\ a{2} = Z0{2}))). + sp 9 11; if{1}; [|if{1}; [| if{1}]]. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />. by rcondf{2} ^if; auto => /> /#. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /> /#. by wp; exlim pi{1} => i; call (R i); auto => />; smt(exp_inj). * rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /> /#. wp; inline *; auto => /> &1 &2 *; split; 2: by smt(exp_inj). by smt(exp_inj get_setE supp_duniform). * rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. by auto => />; smt(e_EU exp_inj). + sp 4 6; if{1}; [|if{1}; [| if{1}]]. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />. by rcondf{2} ^if; auto => /> /#. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /> /#. by wp; exlim pi0{1} => i; call (R i); auto => />; smt(exp_inj). * rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /> /#. wp; inline *; auto => /> &1 &2 *; split; 2: by smt(exp_inj). by smt(exp_inj get_setE supp_duniform). * rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondt{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. by auto => />; smt(e_EU exp_inj). - move=>*; islossless. - move =>*; proc; inline Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhgen. wp; call (: true); [|call (: true)]; auto. + sp; if. * rcondf ^if; 1: by call (: true); auto => /> /#. by call (: true); auto; smt(duniform_ll). * by if; auto; call (: true); auto; smt(duniform_ll). + sp; if. * rcondf ^if; 1: by call (: true); auto => /> /#. by call (: true); auto; smt(duniform_ll). * by if; auto; call (: true); auto; smt(duniform_ll). auto => /> *; progress; smt(mem_empty). qed. local module Gxy (OA : FROEU.RO, OB : FROEU.RO) : GDH_RSR_Oracles_i_xy = { import var G Gs Gx include var Gx(OA, OB) [init, oa, oA, ddh] proc ob (j : int) = { var b; b <- e; if (0 <= j < nb) { if (! nth false ib j) { cb <- j :: cb; b <@ OB.get(j); } } return b; } proc oB(j : int) = { var b; b <- if (nth false ib j) then inv y * e else e; if (0 <= j < nb) { b <@ OB.get(j); } return (exp g (if (nth false ib j) then y * b else b)); } proc ddhm (m, i, j) = { var a, b, r, t; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a <@ OA.get(i); a <- if (nth false ia i) then x * a else a; b <@ OB.get(j); b <- if (nth false ib j) then y * b else b; t <@ ddh(None, Some (exp g a), (exp g b) ^ f, m); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; } } } return r; } proc ddhma (m, i', i, j) = { var a', a, b, r, t; a' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= i' < na /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { a' <@ OA.get(i'); a' <- if (nth false ia i') then x * a' else a'; a <@ OA.get(i); a <- if (nth false ia i) then x * a else a; b <@ OB.get(j); b <- if (nth false ib j) then y * b else b; t <@ ddh(Some (exp g a), Some (exp g a'), m, (exp g b) ^ f); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! (i = i') /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; i'_k <- i'; } r <- (i = i') /\ t; } } return r; } proc ddhmb (m, j', i, j) = { var b', a, b, r, t; b' <- e; a <- e; b <- e; r <- false; t <- false; if (0 <= j' < nb /\ 0 <= i < na /\ 0 <= j < nb) { b' <@ OB.get(j'); b' <- if (nth false ib j') then y * b' else b'; a <@ OA.get(i); a <- if (nth false ia i) then x * a else a; b <@ OB.get(j); b <- if (nth false ib j) then y * b else b; t <@ ddh(Some (exp g a), Some (exp g b'), m, (exp g b) ^ f); if (i \in ca \/ j \in cb) { r <- t; } else { if (t /\ ! (j = j') /\ ! bad) { bad <- true; i_k <- i; j_k <- j; j'_k <- j'; } r <- (j = j') /\ t; } } return r; } proc pubelem (i : int) : G option = { var a, b, mi, pi, r; mi <- - (i + 1); pi <- i - 1; r <- Some (exp g e); if (i = 0) r <- None; (* 1 <= i < na + 1 *) if (0 <= pi < na) { a <@ OA.get(pi); a <- if (nth false ia pi) then x * a else a; r <- Some (exp g a); } (* 1 <= - i < nb + 1 *) if (0 <= mi < nb) { b <@ OB.get(mi); b <- if (nth false ib mi) then y * b else b; r <- Some (exp g b); } return r; } proc ddhgen (i i', Y, Z) = { var a, a', r; a <@ pubelem(i); a' <@ pubelem(i'); r <@ ddh(a, a', Y, Z); return r; } }. local lemma Gx_Gxy &m x y : x \in EU => y \in EU => Pr[GameGxy(Gx (OAEU, OBEU), A).main(x, y) @ &m : G.bad /\ is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k /\ is_ok Gs.ib G.cb Gs.j_k Gs.j'_k] <= Pr[GameGxy(Gxy(OAEU, OBEU), A).main(x, y) @ &m : G.bad /\ is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k /\ is_ok Gs.ib G.cb Gs.j_k Gs.j'_k]. proof. move => x_EU y_EU. byequiv => //; proc; inline*; symmetry. pose F1 z := exp g z. pose F2 z := exp g (y * z). have [f f' /> can_f can_f' fP fP' f_EU g_EU]:= have_permutation F1 F2 (mem EU) _ _ _. - smt(exp_inj). - smt(expM exp_inj'). - move => z; rewrite -!fimageE. smt(img_exp). pose h bs i b := if nth false bs i then f' b else b. pose h' bs i b := if nth false bs i then f b else b. have h_EU : forall bs i z, z \in EU => h bs i z \in EU by smt(). (* RAEU.RO.get preserves the invariant. This is used several times *) have R : forall j, equiv[RBEU.RO.get ~ RBEU.RO.get : ={arg, Gs.ib} /\ arg{1} = j /\ fdomE RBEU.RO.m{1} RBEU.RO.m{2} /\ map_in_EU OBEU.m{1} /\ mapP OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} Gs.ib{2} h ==> fdomE RBEU.RO.m{1} RBEU.RO.m{2} /\ map_in_EU OBEU.m{1} /\ mapP OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} Gs.ib{2} h /\ res{2} = h Gs.ib{1} j res{1} /\ res{1} \in EU /\ res{2} \in EU]. - move => i; rewrite /fdomE /map_in_EU /mapP; proc. inline*. sp. seq 1 1 : (#pre /\ r{2} = h Gs.ib{1} i r{1} /\ r{1} \in EU /\ r{2} \in EU). + rnd (h Gs.ib{1} i) (h' Gs.ib{1} i); auto => /> &1 &2 *. smt(supp_duniform duniform1E_uniq uniq_elems). if; 1: (by auto => />; smt(fdomP)); last first. - by auto => /> &1 &2 2? H *; rewrite H //=; split; smt(). auto => /> &1 &2 *; rewrite !get_set_sameE !fdom_set /=. by do ! split; smt(mem_set get_setE get_set_sameE). (* main up-to-bad argument *) pose I b i m1 m2 m3 bs := badP b i nb /\ fdomE m1 m2 /\ map_in_EU m1 /\ map_in_EU m3 /\ mapP m1 m2 bs h. call (: bad Gs.ib G.cb G.bad Gs.j_k, ={glob G, glob Gs, glob Gx, RAEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.j_k{2} OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} OAEU.m{1} Gs.ib{2}). - exact A_ll. (* oA *) - proc. sp; if; auto. by inline *; auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). - move=>*; islossless. - move => *. proc. conseq />. islossless. (* oB *) - proc. conseq />. sp. if; last first; 2: by auto. + conseq />; auto => /> *; smt(exp_inv pow_inv mulA mulC). exlim j{1} => j. call (R j); auto => /> &1 &2 11? H *. case (nth false Gs.ib{2} j) => [ai|]; 2: smt(). rewrite /h ifT //. apply fP. smt(). - move=>*; islossless. - move=>*. proc. conseq />. islossless. (* oa *) - proc; inline Gxy(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).oa Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).oa; sp; if; auto. by if; auto; inline *; auto => />; smt(get_setE mem_set supp_duniform). - move=>*; islossless. - move => *. proc. conseq />. islossless. (* ob *) - proc. inline Gxy(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ob Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ob. sp. if; 1,3: by auto => /> /#. if{2}. + if{1}. * wp. exlim j{1} => j. call (R j); auto => /> &1 &2 11? H *. smt(). * sp 1 1. conseq (: _ ==> true); 1: smt(). by islossless. + if{1}. conseq (: _ ==> true); 1: smt(). by islossless. by auto => />. - move=>*; islossless. - move=>*. proc. inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ob. conseq />. inline*. sp. do ! (if; last by auto => />). auto => />; smt(duniform_ll). (* ddhm *) - proc. inline Gxy(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhm Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhm. sp 1 1. conseq (: ! (bad Gs.ib G.cb G.bad Gs.j_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, glob Gx, RAEU.RO.m, m, i, j} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.j_k{2} OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} OAEU.m{1} Gs.ib{2} ==> _); 1: by smt(). sp; if; 1,3: by auto => /> /#. seq 5 4 : (! (bad Gs.ib G.cb G.bad Gs.j_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, glob Gx, RAEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.j_k{2} OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} OAEU.m{1} Gs.ib{2} /\ ={i0, j0, r0, t} /\ (0 <= j0 < nb){2}); 2: by auto => />. seq 4 3 : (! (bad Gs.ib G.cb G.bad Gs.j_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, glob Gx, RAEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.j_k{2} OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} OAEU.m{1} Gs.ib{2} /\ ={i0, j0, m0, r0, a} /\ exp g b{1} = exp g b{2} /\ (0 <= j0 < nb){2} /\ b{2} \in EU); last first. + by inline *; auto => /> &1 &2 * /#. wp; exlim j0{1} => j; call (R j); auto => /> *. + split => [/#|*]; split => [/#|*]; split => [/#|*]. split => [/#|*]; split => [/#|*]; split => [|/#]. by split => [/#|]; split => [/#|]; split => /#. wp; call (: ={RAEU.RO.m} /\ map_in_EU OAEU.m{1}); by auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). - move=>*; islossless. - move =>*; proc. inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhm. inline*. sp. do ! (if; last by auto => />). auto => />; smt(duniform_ll). (* ddhma *) - proc. inline Gxy(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhma Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhma. sp; if; 1, 3: by auto. seq 7 6 : (! (bad Gs.ib G.cb G.bad Gs.j_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, glob Gx, RAEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.j_k{2} OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} OAEU.m{1} Gs.ib{2} /\ ={i0, j0, i'0, r0, t} /\ (0 <= j0 < nb){2}); 2: by auto => />. seq 6 5 : (! (bad Gs.ib G.cb G.bad Gs.j_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, glob Gx, RAEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.j_k{2} OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} OAEU.m{1} Gs.ib{2} /\ ={i0, j0, i'0, m0, r0, a, a'} /\ exp g b{1} = exp g b{2} /\ (0 <= j0 < nb){2} /\ b{2} \in EU); 2: by inline *; auto => /> &1 &2 /#. wp; exlim j0{1} => j; call (R j). wp; call (: ={RAEU.RO.m} /\ map_in_EU OAEU.m{1}); 1: by auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). wp; call (: ={RAEU.RO.m} /\ map_in_EU OAEU.m{1}); 1: by auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). by auto => />; rewrite /h /#. - move=>*; islossless. - move =>*; proc. inline Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhma. inline*. sp. do ! (if; last by auto => />). auto => />; smt(duniform_ll). (* ddhmb *) - proc. inline Gxy(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhmb Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhmb. sp; if; 1, 3: by auto. seq 7 5 : (! (bad Gs.ib G.cb G.bad Gs.j_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, glob Gx, RAEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.j_k{2} OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} OAEU.m{1} Gs.ib{2} /\ ={i0, j0, j'0, r0, t} /\ (0 <= j0 < nb){2}); 2: by auto => />. seq 6 4 : (! (bad Gs.ib G.cb G.bad Gs.j_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, glob Gx, RAEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.j_k{2} OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} OAEU.m{1} Gs.ib{2} /\ ={i0, j0, j'0, m0, r0, a} /\ exp g b{1} = exp g b{2} /\ exp g b'{1} = exp g b'{2} /\ (0 <= j0 < nb){2} /\ b{2} \in EU /\ b'{2} \in EU); 2: by inline *; auto => /> &1 &2 * /#. wp; exlim j0{1} => j; call (R j). wp; call (: ={RAEU.RO.m} /\ map_in_EU OAEU.m{1}); 1: by auto; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). wp; exlim j'0{1} => j'; call (R j'). by auto => />; rewrite /h /#. - move=>*; islossless. - move =>*; proc. inline Gs(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhmb. inline*. sp. do ! (if; last by auto => />). auto => />; smt(duniform_ll). (* ddhgen *) - proc. inline Gxy(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhgen Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhgen. inline Gxy(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).pubelem Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).pubelem. seq 21 21 : (! (bad Gs.ib G.cb G.bad Gs.j_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, glob Gx, RAEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.j_k{2} OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} OAEU.m{1} Gs.ib{2} /\ ={i0, i'0, Y0, Z0} /\ ((exists a'' , a{1} = Some (exp g a'') /\ a{2} = Some (exp g a'' )) \/ (a{1} = None /\ a{2} = None)) /\ ((exists a'' , a'{1} = Some (exp g a'') /\ a'{2} = Some (exp g a'' )) \/ (a'{1} = None /\ a'{2} = None))); last first. + inline *; sp 5 5; if; 1: by auto => /> /#. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. by rcondf{2} ^if; auto => /> /#. if; 1: by auto => /> /#. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. by rcondf{2} ^if; auto => /> /#. if; 1: by auto => /> /#. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => /> /#. by rcondf{2} ^if; auto => /> /#. by auto => /> /#. seq 13 13 : (! (bad Gs.ib G.cb G.bad Gs.j_k){2} /\ ={glob G, glob Gs, glob Gx, RAEU.RO.m} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){1} /\ I G.bad{2} Gs.j_k{2} OBEU.m{1} OBEU.m{2} OAEU.m{1} Gs.ib{2} /\ ={i0, i'0, Y0, Z0} /\ ((exists a'' , a{1} = Some (exp g a'') /\ a{2} = Some (exp g a'' )) \/ (a{1} = None /\ a{2} = None))). + sp 9 9; if; [| |if; [| |if]]; 1, 3, 5: by auto => />. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />. by rcondf{2} ^if; auto => /> /#. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. by wp; inline *; auto => />; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). * by wp; exlim mi{1} => i; call (R i); auto => /> /#. * by auto => /> /#. + sp 4 4; if; [| |if; [| |if]]; 1, 3, 5: by auto => />. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />. by rcondf{2} ^if; auto => /> /#. * rcondf{1} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. rcondf{2} ^if; 1: by auto => />; call (: true); auto => /#. by wp; inline *; auto => />; smt(get_setE supp_duniform). * by wp; exlim mi0{1} => i; call (R i); auto => /> /#. * by auto => /> /#. - move=>*; islossless. - move =>*; proc; inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).ddhgen. wp; call (: true); [|call (: true)]; auto. + sp; if. * rcondf ^if; 1: by wp; call (: true); auto => /> /#. by wp; call (: true); auto; smt(duniform_ll). * by if; auto; call (: true); auto; smt(duniform_ll). + inline Gx(RAEU.RO, RBEU.RO).pubelem; sp; if. * rcondf ^if; 1: by wp; call (: true); auto => /> /#. by wp; call (: true); auto; smt(duniform_ll). * if; auto; 2: by smt(). by call (: true); auto; smt(duniform_ll). auto => /> *; progress; smt(mem_empty). qed. local lemma Gxy_S &m x y : x \in EU => y \in EU => Pr[GameGxy(Gxy(OAEU, OBEU), A).main(x, y) @ &m : G.bad /\ is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k /\ is_ok Gs.ib G.cb Gs.j_k Gs.j'_k] <= Pr[GameS(A,NGDH.DDH_Oracle).main(exp g x, exp g y) @ &m : S.m_crit = exp g (x * y)]. proof. move => x_EU y_EU; byequiv => //; proc; inline *; symmetry. call (: ! nstop Gs.ia Gs.ib G.cb \/ ! (G.bad => nth false Gs.ia Gs.i_k /\ nth false Gs.ib Gs.j_k /\ ! nth false Gs.ia Gs.i'_k /\ ! nth false Gs.ib Gs.j'_k), ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb} /\ ={ia, ib}(S, Gs) /\ (S.gx = exp g x /\ = exp g y){1} /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){2} /\ (G.bad{2} => S.m_crit{1} = exp g (x * y)) /\ S.set{1} = G.bad{2} /\ (forall i, i \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[i]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall j, j \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[j]) \in EU){2}); 2, 5: by proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(expM exp_inv get_setE get_set_sameE memE mulA supp_duniform). - by exact A_ll. - by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - by proc; inline *; sp; if; [ | if; auto | ]; auto => /> ; smt(expM get_setE get_set_sameE supp_duniform memE). - by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - by proc; inline *; sp; if; [ | if; auto | ]; auto => /> ; smt(expM get_setE get_set_sameE supp_duniform memE). - by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - by move => *; proc; inline *; sp; if; auto; if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - proc; inline S(NGDH.DDH_Oracle).ddhm Gxy(OAEU, OBEU).ddhm. sp; if; [smt() | swap 2 1 | auto; smt()]. seq 2 2 : (={m0, i0, j0, r0, a, b} /\ a{2} \in EU /\ b{2} \in EU /\ (nstop Gs.ia Gs.ib G.cb){2} /\ ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb} /\ ={ia, ib}(S, Gs) /\ (S.gx = exp g x /\ = exp g y){1} /\ (G.bad{2} => S.m_crit{1} = exp g (x * y)) /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){2} /\ S.set{1} = G.bad{2} /\ (forall i, i \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[i]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall j, j \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[j]) \in EU){2}); 1: by inline *; auto => /> ; smt(get_setE get_set_sameE memE supp_duniform). inline *; auto => /> &1 &2. move: (i0{2}) (j0{2}) ({2}) (G.cb{2}) => i j ca cb *. (case: (i \in ca) => [i_ca | iNca]); (case: (j \in cb) => [j_cb | jNcb] /=); 1..3: smt(expM mulA mulC). split; 2: by smt(expM mulA mulC). move => ga *; split => *; 2: by smt(expM mulA mulC). suff: exp (exp g (y * b{2}) ^ f) ga ^ (inv a{2} * inv b{2}) = exp g (ga * inv a{2}) ^ y /\ exp g (ga * inv a{2}) = exp g x by smt(expM). split. + rewrite /exp -!expM /exp -!expM /exp. have: g ^ (y * b{2} * f * (ga * (inv a{2} * inv b{2}) * inv f) * inv f) = g ^ (b{2} * inv b{2}) ^ (ga * inv a{2} * y * inv f) ^ (f * inv f) by smt(mulA mulC powM). move => ->; rewrite pow_inv //; 1: by smt(). by rewrite -powM mulC powM pow_inv. + suff: exp g ga = exp g (x * a{2}); 2: by smt(expM exp_inj). by rewrite !expM => ->; rewrite -!expM; smt(exp_inv mulA mulC). - move => &2 *; proc; inline S(NGDH.DDH_Oracle).ddhm. by sp; if; auto; inline *; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - move => &1 *; proc; inline Gxy(OAEU, OBEU).ddhm. sp; if; auto; inline *; auto. by smt(dEU_ll get_setE get_set_sameE memE supp_duniform). - proc; inline S(NGDH.DDH_Oracle).ddhma Gxy(OAEU, OBEU).ddhma. sp; if; [smt() | swap 2 3; swap 3 1 | auto; smt()]. seq 3 3 : (={m0, i'0, i0, j0, r0, a', a, b} /\ a'{2} \in EU /\ a{2} \in EU /\ b{2} \in EU /\ (nstop Gs.ia Gs.ib G.cb){2} /\ ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb} /\ ={ia, ib}(S, Gs) /\ (S.gx = exp g x /\ = exp g y){1} /\ (G.bad{2} => S.m_crit{1} = exp g (x * y)) /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){2} /\ S.set{1} = G.bad{2} /\ (forall i, i \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[i]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall j, j \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[j]) \in EU){2}); 1: by inline *; auto => /> *; split; smt(get_setE get_set_sameE memE supp_duniform). inline *; auto => /> &1 &2. move: (i0{2}) (j0{2}) ({2}) (G.cb{2}) => i j ca cb *. (case: (i \in ca) => [i_ca | iNca]); (case: (j \in cb) => [j_cb | jNcb] /=); 1..3: smt(expM mulA mulC). split; 2: by smt(expM mulA mulC). move => ga ga' *; split => *; 2: by smt(expM mulA mulC). suff: exp m0{2} a'{2} = exp g (a{2} * x * (b{2} * y)). + rewrite !expM => ->; rewrite -!expM. have: exp g (a{2} * x * (b{2} * y) * inv a{2} * inv b{2}) = exp g (a{2} * inv a{2} * ((b{2} * inv b{2}) * (x * y))); smt(exp_inv mulA mulC). + have -> : a'{2} = ga' by smt(exp_inj). have -> : exp m0{2} ga' = exp (exp g (b{2} * y) ^ f) ga by smt(mulC). have -> : exp (exp g (b{2} * y) ^ f) ga = exp (exp g ga) (b{2} * y) ^ f by smt(expM mulC mulA). have -> : exp g ga = exp g (a{2} * x) by smt(mulC). have: exp (exp g (a{2} * x)) (b{2} * y) ^ f = exp g (a{2} * x * (b{2} * y)) ^ (f * inv f) by smt(expM mulA mulC). by move => ->; rewrite -powM mulC powM pow_inv. - move => &2 *; proc; inline S(NGDH.DDH_Oracle).ddhma. by sp; if; auto; inline *; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - move => &1 *; proc; inline Gxy(OAEU, OBEU).ddhma. sp; if; auto; inline *; auto. by smt(dEU_ll get_setE get_set_sameE memE supp_duniform). - proc; inline S(NGDH.DDH_Oracle).ddhmb Gxy(OAEU, OBEU).ddhmb. sp; if; [smt() | swap 2 3; swap 3 1 | auto; smt()]. seq 3 3 : (={m0, j'0, i0, j0, r0, b', a, b} /\ b'{2} \in EU /\ a{2} \in EU /\ b{2} \in EU /\ (nstop Gs.ia Gs.ib G.cb){2} /\ ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb} /\ ={ia, ib}(S, Gs) /\ (S.gx = exp g x /\ = exp g y){1} /\ (G.bad{2} => S.m_crit{1} = exp g (x * y)) /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){2} /\ S.set{1} = G.bad{2} /\ (forall i, i \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[i]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall j, j \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[j]) \in EU){2}); 1: by inline *; auto => /> *; split; smt(get_setE get_set_sameE memE supp_duniform). inline *; auto => /> &1 &2. move: (i0{2}) (j0{2}) ({2}) (G.cb{2}) => i j ca cb *. (case: (i \in ca) => [i_ca | iNca]); (case: (j \in cb) => [j_cb | jNcb] /=); 1..3: smt(expM mulA mulC). split; 2: by smt(expM mulA mulC). move => ga gb' *; split => *; 2: by smt(expM mulA mulC). suff: exp m0{2} b'{2} = exp g (a{2} * x * (b{2} * y)). + rewrite !expM => ->; rewrite -!expM. have: exp g (a{2} * x * (b{2} * y) * inv a{2} * inv b{2}) = exp g (a{2} * inv a{2} * ((b{2} * inv b{2}) * (x * y))); smt(exp_inv mulA mulC). + have -> : b'{2} = gb' by smt(exp_inj). have -> : exp m0{2} gb' = exp (exp g (b{2} * y) ^ f) ga by smt(mulC). have -> : exp (exp g (b{2} * y) ^ f) ga = exp (exp g ga) (b{2} * y) ^ f by smt(expM mulC mulA). have -> : exp g ga = exp g (a{2} * x) by smt(mulC). have: exp (exp g (a{2} * x)) (b{2} * y) ^ f = exp g (a{2} * x * (b{2} * y)) ^ (f * inv f) by smt(expM mulA mulC). by move => ->; rewrite -powM mulC powM pow_inv. - move => &2 *; proc; inline S(NGDH.DDH_Oracle).ddhmb. by sp; if; auto; inline *; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - move => &1 *; proc; inline Gxy(OAEU, OBEU).ddhmb. sp; if; auto; inline *; auto. by smt(dEU_ll get_setE get_set_sameE memE supp_duniform). - proc; inline S(NGDH.DDH_Oracle).ddhgen Gxy(OAEU, OBEU).ddhgen. seq 7 7 : ((nstop Gs.ia Gs.ib G.cb){2} /\ ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb} /\ ={ia, ib}(S, Gs) /\ (S.gx = exp g x /\ = exp g y){1} /\ (G.bad{2} => S.m_crit{1} = exp g (x * y)) /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){2} /\ S.set{1} = G.bad{2} /\ (forall i, i \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[i]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall j, j \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[j]) \in EU){2} /\ ={Y0, Z0, a, a'}); 2: by inline *; auto. seq 6 6 : ((nstop Gs.ia Gs.ib G.cb){2} /\ ={OAEU.m, OBEU.m,, G.cb} /\ ={ia, ib}(S, Gs) /\ (S.gx = exp g x /\ = exp g y){1} /\ (G.bad{2} => S.m_crit{1} = exp g (x * y)) /\ (Gx.x = x /\ Gx.y = y){2} /\ S.set{1} = G.bad{2} /\ (forall i, i \in OAEU.m => oget (OAEU.m.[i]) \in EU){2} /\ (forall j, j \in OBEU.m => oget (OBEU.m.[j]) \in EU){2} /\ ={i'0, Y0, Z0, a}); inline *. + sp 9 9; if; [move => /> /# | rcondf{1} 2; auto; rcondf{1} 2; auto; rcondf{2} 2; auto; rcondf{2} 2; auto; smt() |]. if; [smt() | | if; auto => /> ; smt(expM get_setE supp_duniform)]. rcondf{1} 7; 1: by auto; smt(). by rcondf{2} 7; auto => /> ; smt(expM get_setE supp_duniform). + sp 4 4; if; [move => /> /# | rcondf{1} 2; auto; rcondf{1} 2; auto; rcondf{2} 2; auto; rcondf{2} 2; auto; smt() |]. if; [smt() | | if; auto => /> ; smt(expM get_setE supp_duniform)]. rcondf{1} 7; 1: by auto; smt(). by rcondf{2} 7; auto => /> ; smt(expM get_setE supp_duniform). - move => &2 *; proc; inline S(NGDH.DDH_Oracle).ddhgen. seq 7 : true; auto; [seq 6 : true; auto | by inline *; auto]. + inline *; sp 9; if; [rcondf 2; auto; rcondf 2; auto | ]. if; 2: by if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). by rcondf 7; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + inline *; sp 4; if; [rcondf 2; auto; rcondf 2; auto | ]. if; 2: by if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). by rcondf 7; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - move => &1 *; proc; inline Gxy(OAEU, OBEU).ddhgen. seq 7 : (! nstop Gs.ia Gs.ib G.cb \/ ! (G.bad => nth false Gs.ia Gs.i_k /\ nth false Gs.ib Gs.j_k /\ ! nth false Gs.ia Gs.i'_k /\ ! nth false Gs.ib Gs.j'_k)); auto; [ | by inline *; auto | hoare; auto]; seq 6 : (! nstop Gs.ia Gs.ib G.cb \/ ! (G.bad => nth false Gs.ia Gs.i_k /\ nth false Gs.ib Gs.j_k /\ ! nth false Gs.ia Gs.i'_k /\ ! nth false Gs.ib Gs.j'_k)); auto; 3: hoare; auto. + inline *; sp 9; if; [rcondf 2; auto; rcondf 2; auto | ]. if; 2: by if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). by rcondf 7; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + inline *; sp 4; if; [rcondf 2; auto; rcondf 2; auto | ]. if; 2: by if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). by rcondf 7; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + inline *; sp 9; if; [rcondf 2; auto; rcondf 2; auto | ]. if; 2: by if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). by rcondf 7; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + inline *; sp 9; if; [rcondf 2; auto; rcondf 2; auto | ]. if; 2: by if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). by rcondf 7; auto; smt(dEU_ll). + inline *; sp 4; if; [rcondf 2; auto; rcondf 2; auto | ]. if; 2: by if; auto; smt(dEU_ll). by rcondf 7; auto; smt(dEU_ll). - by auto => />; smt(mem_empty supp_dinter). qed. local lemma A_B &m : Pr[Game(Gs(OAEU, OBEU), A).main() @ &m : G.bad /\ is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k /\ is_ok Gs.ib G.cb Gs.j_k Gs.j'_k] <= Pr[NGDH.Game(B(A)).main() @ &m : res]. proof. pose p := Pr[Game(Gs(OAEU,OBEU), A).main() @ &m : G.bad /\ is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k /\ is_ok Gs.ib G.cb Gs.j_k Gs.j'_k]. byphoare (: (glob A, Gs.i_k, Gs.i'_k, Gs.j_k, Gs.j'_k) = (glob A, Gs.i_k, Gs.i'_k, Gs.j_k, Gs.j'_k){m} ==> _) => //. proc; inline B(A,NGDH.DDH_Oracle).solve; wp. seq 4 : true 1%r p 0%r _ (x \in EU /\ y \in EU /\ gx = exp g x /\ gy = exp g y /\ (glob A, Gs.i_k, Gs.i'_k, Gs.j_k, Gs.j'_k) = (glob A, Gs.i_k, Gs.i'_k, Gs.j_k, Gs.j'_k){m}) => //. - by auto => />; smt(memE supp_duniform). - by islossless; apply duniform_ll; smt(e_EU). exlim x, y => x' y'. call (: (x' \in EU) /\ (y' \in EU) /\ gx = exp g x' /\ gy = exp g y' /\ (glob A, Gs.i_k, Gs.i'_k, Gs.j_k, Gs.j'_k) = (glob A, Gs.i_k, Gs.i'_k, Gs.j_k, Gs.j'_k){m} ==> S.m_crit = exp g (x' * y')); 2: by auto. bypr => &m' /> 2? -> -> *. have -> : p = Pr[Game(Gs(OAEU,OBEU), A).main() @ &m' : G.bad /\ is_ok Gs.ia Gs.i_k Gs.i'_k /\ is_ok Gs.ib G.cb Gs.j_k Gs.j'_k]. by rewrite /p; byequiv => //; sim => /> /#. by apply (ler_trans _ _ _ _ (Gxy_S &m' x' y' _ _)) => //; smt(Gs_Gx Gx_Gxy). qed. lemma Gbad_NGDH &m : Pr[Game(G(OAZ, OBZ), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] <= Pr[NGDH.Game(B(A)).main() @ &m : res] / ((1%r - pa) ^ (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma) * pa * (1%r - pb) ^ (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb) * pb) + DELTA. proof. suff: Pr[Game(G', A).main() @ &m : G.bad] <= Pr[NGDH.Game(B(A)).main() @ &m : res] / ((1%r - pa) ^ (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma) * pa * (1%r - pb) ^ (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb) * pb) by smt(G_G'). have H1 := guess_bound &m; have H2 := A_B &m. have {H1 H2} H := ler_trans _ _ _ H1 H2. rewrite mulrC -ler_pdivr_mull; 2: by smt(). by smt(invr_gt0 expr0 expr_gt0 mulr_gt0 pa_bound pb_bound). qed. end section. end Inner. (* The optimal bound is obtained by setting pa = 1 / (q_oa + 1) and likewise for pb *) lemma pa_bound : 0%r < (1%r / (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma + 1)%r) && if (q_oa = 0) && (q_ddhma = 0) then (1%r / (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma + 1)%r) <= 1%r else (1%r / (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma + 1)%r) < 1%r by smt(divr_gt0 q_ddhma_ge0 q_oa_ge0). lemma pb_bound : 0%r < (1%r / (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb + 1)%r) && if (q_ob = 0) && (q_ddhmb = 0) then (1%r / (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb + 1)%r) <= 1%r else (1%r / (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb + 1)%r) < 1%r by smt(divr_gt0 q_ddhmb_ge0 q_ob_ge0). clone import Inner as I with op pa <- (1%r / (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma + 1)%r), op pb <- (1%r / (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb + 1)%r), axiom pa_bound <- pa_bound, (* does anything break/change if we remove this? *) axiom pb_bound <- pb_bound. section. declare module A <: Adversary {-G, -S, -Count, -OAZ, -OBZ, -OAEU, -OBEU}. declare axiom A_ll : forall (O <: GDH_RSR_Oracles{-A}), islossless O.oA => islossless O.oB => islossless O.oa => islossless O.ob => islossless O.ddhm => islossless O.ddhma => islossless O.ddhmb => islossless O.ddhgen => islossless A(O).guess. declare axiom A_bound : forall (O <: GDH_RSR_Oracles{-Count, -A}), hoare [A(Count(O)).guess : = 0 /\ Count.cb = 0 /\ Count.cddhma = 0 /\ Count.cddhmb = 0 ==> <= q_oa /\ Count.cb <= q_ob /\ Count.cddhma <= q_ddhma /\ Count.cddhmb <= q_ddhmb]. lemma Gbad_NGDH &m : Pr[Game(G(OAZ, OBZ), A).main() @ &m : G.bad] <= (1 + 3 * (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma))%r * (1 + 3 * (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb))%r * Pr[NGDH.Game(B(A)).main() @ &m : res] + DELTA. proof. have H := I.Gbad_NGDH (<:A) A_ll A_bound &m. apply (ler_trans _ _ _ H) => {H}; rewrite ler_add2r. case: (Pr[NGDH.Game(B(A)).main() @ &m : res] = 0%r) =>[->|prP]; 1: by rewrite !mul0r. rewrite !mulrA (mulrC _ (Pr[NGDH.Game(B(A)).main() @ &m : res])). rewrite ler_pmul2l; 1: by smt(mu_bounded). rewrite 5?invrM; 1..10: by smt(expf_eq0 pa_bound pb_bound). rewrite invr1 !mul1r 2!invrK !mulrA (mulrC (1 + 3 * (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma))%r). rewrite -(div1r (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma + 1)%r) -mulrA. rewrite -(div1r (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb + 1)%r) ler_pmul. - by rewrite mulr_ge0 ?invr_ge0 ?expr_ge0; smt(q_ddhmb_ge0 q_ob_ge0). - by rewrite mulr_ge0 ?invr_ge0 ?expr_ge0; smt(q_ddhma_ge0 q_oa_ge0). - move: (upper_bound (q_ob + min 1 q_ddhmb)). by rewrite /h !div1r mulrC invrM 1?invrK; smt(expf_eq0 q_ddhmb_ge0 q_ob_ge0). - move: (upper_bound (q_oa + min 1 q_ddhma)). by rewrite /h !div1r mulrC invrM 1?invrK; smt(expf_eq0 q_ddhma_ge0 q_oa_ge0). qed. end section. end GDH_RSR.