The CryptoVerif scripts for our study of Kerberos are distributed below under the CeCILL license. Please read this license before downloading the scripts.
All scripts as an archive.
As a result of the following paper:
Bruno Blanchet, Aaron D. Jaggard, Jesse Rao, Andre Scedrov, and Joe-Kai Tsay. Refining Computationally Sound Mechanized Proofs for Kerberos. In Workshop on Formal and Computational Cryptography (FCC 2009), Port Jefferson, NY, July 2009.
we improved our scripts for public-key Kerberos. The improved versions are below:
All scripts as an archive.
Furthermore, with the evolution of CryptoVerif, we were able to prove key usability without manual inspection of the final game. Up-to-date scripts for Kerberos are included in the CryptoVerif distribution, in directory examples/kerberos.