In this work, we prove the post-quantum soundness of the CryptoVerif prover, a tool used to semi-automatically obtain computational security guarantees over cryptographic constructions. It required an update of the whole semantics in order to define it for any black-box interactive attacker and not just probabilistic Turing machines. We also had to validate the soundness of all its proof techniques, the so-called game transformations.
We used this new post-quantum sound CryptoVerif to obtain the first formal security guarantees over two IETF draft proposals designing post-quantum variants of SSH and TLS.
@INPROCEEDINGS{BlanchetJacommeCSF24, AUTHOR = {Bruno Blanchet and Charlie Jacomme}, TITLE = {Post-quantum sound {CryptoVerif} and verification of hybrid {TLS} and {SSH} key-exchanges}, BOOKTITLE = {{P}roceedings of the 37th {IEEE} {C}omputer {S}ecurity {F}oundations {S}ymposium ({CSF}'24)}, YEAR = 2024, PAGES = {543--556}, MONTH = JUL, PUBLISHER = {{IEEE}}, ADDRESS = {Enschede, The Netherlands} }