Bruno Blanchet
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Miriam Paiola and Bruno Blanchet.
Verification of Security Protocols with Lists: from Length
One to Unbounded Length.
In Pierpaolo Degano and Joshua Guttman, editors, First
Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST'12), volume 7215 of
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 69-88, Tallinn, Estonia,
March 2012. Springer.
© Springer-Verlag.
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This paper at Springer:
We present a novel, simple technique for proving secrecy properties for
security protocols that manipulate lists of unbounded length, for
an unbounded number of sessions.
More specifically, our technique relies on the Horn clause
approach used in the automatic verifier ProVerif: we show that if
a protocol is proven secure by our technique with lists of length
one, then it is secure for lists of unbounded length.
Interestingly, this theorem relies on approximations made by our
verification technique: in general, secrecy for lists of length
one does not imply secrecy for lists of unbounded length.
Our result can be used in particular to prove secrecy properties
for group protocols with an unbounded number of participants and
for some XML protocols (web services) with ProVerif.
AUTHOR = {Miriam Paiola and Bruno Blanchet},
TITLE = {Verification of Security Protocols with Lists:
from Length One to Unbounded Length},
BOOKTITLE = {First Conference on Principles of Security and Trust (POST'12)},
PAGES = {69--88},
YEAR = 2012,
EDITOR = {Pierpaolo Degano and Joshua Guttman},
VOLUME = 7215,
SERIES = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
ADDRESS = {Tallinn, Estonia},
PUBLISHER = {Springer}
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